Original Post
[Promo-Team] Unusual Objective: "Osteoporosis"

Duhh, your bones aren't as strong as they were when you were 17, eh? Anything leads to breaking them, you must be so careful... Ye, age is a heavy burden... However no matter how heavy it is, you still must fight with uke. At least he isn't that tough too...

Your objective is to:
Set the dismemberment treshold to 20 or lower and attack uke, dismembering at least one of his joints. Finally, destroying uke won't be that hard? Don't be so happy, mind that your joints will break very easily too and your kick might lead to decap but also to your's knee loss! See the example replay.
Hint: to change treshold, use /set dt 20.

Judging categories are:
- Brutality (How do you destroy uke and how does it look)
- Style (How much style is there, coincidental dismembering yourself will get you a lot of minus points! )
- Overall (how the replay looks)

  • Dismemberment Treshold must be 20 or lower (!)
  • New replays only
  • No hacking replays
  • No stealing replays
  • Gravity must be between -9.82 and -30
  • No moving uke
You can post up to 3 replays and switch them before deadline if you wish to.

20 000 TC for the first prize!
10 000 TC for the second prize!

End date: 27th of October - the last day for sumbitting entries!

Now kill uke and try not to hurt yourself, oldie ;)
Attached Files
osteoporosis.rpl (115.3 KB, 152 views)
Last edited by JtanK; Oct 18, 2009 at 10:02 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
As in all the previous Unusual~~s and in most of the sp competitions here:
You can post up to 3 replays and switch them before deadline if you wish to.

I'll add that up to the first post.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos