400 for the first 300 for the second, if you see white lines on the image, they aren't there in game they are only on the previews. I have recently gotten better at this and the first bunch i posted really are hopeless.

Price udate also, all of the heads other than the ones in this post are now 100tc
Originally Posted by Kordiss View Post
Its not even symetric, goddamit.
Also, if you can't make it good, just blur it.
And lower the prices to 10 tcs per head.

No man, Im serious, I bid 9.5 tc for that !
A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Fred Allen
Nohead, no offence but fuck off. These heads here are for set prices, and to be quite honest i like the last two heads i posted, all the others look like shit to me.
If you make it big its no use it stays the same when you put it on BTW do you have any flat version of this>
Yes i do have a flat version thats the point of selling it, and no it doesnt stay the same in-game, i have a 256 x 256 head that has those whit lines in the preview and they aren't there in-game.
Well, i geuss i could drop 50 tc's if you bought mine but i have reformatted and i will tell you wha ones are still available cuz i saved a couple on my usb and i only do heads, also there are two awesome ones on my usb aswell.