I think the only reason we still do it, Is becuase we enjoy seeing our family and eating Deadly amounts of turky. Just like every other holiday.
<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
It's lost its original meaning long ago.. like most things in the modern world. Now, it's about giving thanks to God and grubbing out with your family. That's all- that's the extent of it.

Your argument is like telling people that t-shirts are bad because cotton used to be farmed my enslaved Africans.
Originally Posted by trunksbomb View Post
It's lost its original meaning long ago.. like most things in the modern world. Now, it's about giving thanks to God and grubbing out with your family. That's all- that's the extent of it.

Your argument is like telling people that t-shirts are bad because cotton used to be farmed my enslaved Africans.

Quoted for the fucking truth. besides thanksgiving was created before the indian war, blame the french not americans. french-indian war
Originally Posted by JesseBean View Post
Quoted for the fucking truth. besides thanksgiving was created before the indian war, blame the french not americans. french-indian war

The French were allied with various Native American forces. In general, the efforts the French made to colonize America were much less violent and intrusive than the efforts of the English and Spanish. It sounds like you learned the name of that war and not much else, and you don't know what you're talking about. That or a troll. o_O
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