Originally Posted by DeadbeatsummeR View Post
Okay man, I wanna request a head, anime, black guy with afro and a pink comb on the side, ill pay you dragon force which is 10k? Do you accept?


Originally Posted by missuse View Post
hey Chris
I see u went pro :P nice shop
I would like to request 3 heads - u will receive Toxic /force+lax for them is that acceptable to u, if yes I will post a description of what I want

Yes, What you want?
Last edited by chris20236; Dec 1, 2009 at 12:09 AM.
MapleStory: Pirate4Chris
a dude with a beret smoking a Cuban cigarette - all in shades of gray, black and white

afro somurai on LSD - so that the hair is all colored (all colors u can fit in) and detailed - with a mean look in his eyes

pirate with a scarf on top of his head with a parrot and a scull on the scarf- with one glass eye and the other normal, would like him to be very old

take u're time, make them epic u will receive tc + toxic if I think they are epic
wishful eyes deceive me
Genre: the Hooligan
Everywhere Look: Sad
Colours: Colour of a human skin. Hair black
Range of the prices: 15k
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
Originally Posted by hopeman2 View Post
Genre: the Hooligan
Everywhere Look: Sad
Colours: Colour of a human skin. Hair black
Range of the prices: 15k

Hooligan with Sad? look like drug :r

Originally Posted by sampandora View Post
Do you make sets? If so say yes and then I will tell you my price. If not I will request a head!

Sorry, Not Set. Only Head Texture.

Originally Posted by missuse View Post
a dude with a beret smoking a Cuban cigarette - all in shades of gray, black and white

afro somurai on LSD - so that the hair is all colored (all colors u can fit in) and detailed - with a mean look in his eyes

pirate with a scarf on top of his head with a parrot and a scull on the scarf- with one glass eye and the other normal, would like him to be very old

take u're time, make them epic u will receive tc + toxic if I think they are epic

Uhh?! i feel confused. (3rd I know.)
Last edited by chris20236; Nov 30, 2009 at 01:21 PM.
MapleStory: Pirate4Chris
Sent Toxic force to chris20236
Sent Toxic relax to chris20236

here they are m8, amount of added tc will depend of my satisfaction :P
wishful eyes deceive me
I'm Awesome now!

I'm finisher missuse's three heads!

[Head 1] Look cool.

[Head 2] Obama?

[Head 3] It's pirate
MapleStory: Pirate4Chris
ok, can I have some changes, coz this is not what I asked for :P
3rd - ok, just add a lil bit of detail to the hair, and eyes, one glass eye?
1st-beret - this is a beret, also detail to the eyes would be nice

actually if u could make it look like him smoking that would be awesome
2nd - afro - not bad just add more hair from the side and color it rainbow colors, oh and the band around the head must go - or make it some nice texture?

I hope I'm not bugging u 2 much, If u wish u can send me back my toxic items and I will send u 30k? Coz u may think why the effort because of 2 crappy items, but toxic force/lax is worth around 30-35k

Oh and about the style I like Jakis head the most here
Last edited by missuse; Dec 1, 2009 at 07:32 AM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
ok, can I have some changes, coz this is not what I asked for :P
3rd - ok, just add a lil bit of detail to the hair, and eyes, one glass eye?
1st-beret - this is a beret, also detail to the eyes would be nice
actually if u could make it look like him smoking that would be awesome
2nd - afro - not bad just add more hair from the side and color it rainbow colors, oh and the band around the head must go - or make it some nice texture?

I hope I'm not bugging u 2 much, If u wish u can send me back my toxic items and I will send u 30k? Coz u may think why the effort because of 2 crappy items, but toxic force/lax is worth around 30-35k

Oh and about the style I like Jakis head the most here

I send you back your toxic items and send me 30k.

OMG look like real!

Obama again?

It's pirate.
MapleStory: Pirate4Chris