Original Post
Rankings Testing
Hey guys,

You may notice rankings may have changed. We're testing out a system where you're ranked by belt level, which should make for a better closer challenge.

So there's no need to be alarmed if you find that your rank level has been boosted ;).

Also, this obviously affects Achievements. We will be fixing achievements to reflect your ranks through belt levels.

I'll post more on this as we smooth out the system ait.

Gman out.
Gone Fishing
nice, from ~400 to 16
This account belongs to its official owner at this moment. all the things that previous owner has done before have no relations with the current one. ~Apparat
was 6th among all, became 4th among Customs. There are 2 god belts (Jepoy & Dj)
Well maybe there should be some mention that your rank is #N (among X belts)
[Damned] Clan Bank. All inventory on sale
há from about 3450 to rank 20 Nice!

i liked i thinks this is kinda a more fair ranking system
Last edited by Sano; Dec 10, 2009 at 01:05 PM.