Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Didn't see it, but i wasn't impressed by the trailer. Cliche plot.
Woop dee doo, one of the representatives of the oppressors eventually sympathizes with the oppressed and swaps sides. Woop dee doo.

The CGI looks impressive, though.
It looks fantastic but apart from that the story is boring as shit and the characters are so clichéd.
I saw it yesterday in 3D. It's a pretty damned good movie, it's got nice acting, dialogue and action. The part I liked most about it was that when you see the movie, you think it's going to be a big tree hugging nature focused style movie, but it shows a lot of parts where the main character is in his normal body too. It's got a nice contrast between when he's in the avatar body and when he's in his crippled body, makes it sorta emotional ;o

But yeah, the action scenes are absolutely amazing and the CGI is (near) perfect. The only thing I didn't like about it was that the build up to the action sequences was pretty damned long. Also, I don't mind the story, I think it's good they didn't try to throw any twists into the plot and just kept it as a subtle curve.
lead Sigma
I saw it today. In my opinion, it was a wee bit long, but the final battle was awesome, and the blue guys (can't remember the name) were really well done. The most impressive thing I found was the language that they invented for the movie, it works really well and helps improve the whole "alien" atmosphere.
Originally Posted by killer321 View Post
The Movie is sooooo Boooooooooooooring
You should see startrek then you would regret posting this thread.
Cubz its fuckin awsome.
all im sayin that its kinda dum

Yeah, I fucking LOVE lens flare out the arse. OMYGOD DID YOU SE THAT THING?
(No I didn't because the scene was fucking shaky cam)

Cameron can actually direct an action scene beyond vibrating his camera and laying sound effects over the top of it.

In addition, Avatar nearly made me cry bitch tears. It recieves points just for that.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post

Didn't see it, but i wasn't impressed by the trailer. Cliche plot.
Woop dee doo, one of the representatives of the oppressors eventually sympathizes with the oppressed and swaps sides. Woop dee doo.

The CGI looks impressive, though.

Same comment, different person.

I'm gonna sign what Odlov said
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
doesn't look too interesting to me, I'm more interested in Sherlock Holmes. Guy Ritchie ftw.

Thats wut im Talking about!!!
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I'm gonna watch it today (in about 5 hours' time), in 3D.

I'm not sure what to expect... One thing I can be sure about even without reading your comments (which I did) is that yes, for the most part the plot is a cliché, and by reading your comments, I can guess that all of it is...

but the thing is, I'll be pretty satisfied with the effects, a mediocre plot and, of cource, 3D.... or I better be, that is, it costs like 1,5 times the cost of a normal movie.

There is one thing I can't quite get though. Even the miner folks being capitalists with a capital, underlined italic C, I don't see how on earth they could justify killing a whole race for a mineral or something... I'll just have to see.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
They don't. It was never their goal, they just try to get them to relocate. Parker explains at the start that they can't just flatten the joint due to it being the only life sustaining planet yet discovered. Plus, stocks drop when there's altercations.