hmm, mabye if i get a bit more tc spare i will but the set, infact, screw it, i will send the tc for the set...
Something about busses:D
Thanks a lot to cazrules who bought my first texture set! A new one is in progress to accompany the orangey/yellow head (10) on display :] Pics up soon, keep an eye out.
Last edited by caelquinn; Dec 28, 2009 at 07:03 PM.
Ok, send me tc and I will send you the head when I receive it.

edit: received and head sent, thanks!
Last edited by caelquinn; Dec 29, 2009 at 12:33 AM.
i want a robotic head type with radioactive color glasses and the rest invisible and i want to know how much it will costs ok?
Originally Posted by LordHunter
Originally Posted by caelquinn
Please fill out the proper request form when requesting a texture.

I need to know how much youre willing to spend on it, this will dictate the amount of attention I give to it and the overall quality.

Im willing to expend 770 tcs ok??
Originally Posted by LordHunter View Post
Originally Posted by LordHunter
Originally Posted by caelquinn
Please fill out the proper request form when requesting a texture.

I need to know how much youre willing to spend on it, this will dictate the amount of attention I give to it and the overall quality.
Im willing to expend 770 tcs ok??

Forms should be filled out in this format:

Style of head:
Anime, robotic, human, demon, etc.
Glasses, headphones, scares, etc.
Personalisation (Names), anything else.
Price Range: However much you're willing to spend.

And ok, that's enough for a decent head.
Style of head: Robotic
Colors: radioactive color glasses
Accessories: Glasses
Extra: i want it shiny
Price range: 500-700 tcs

Plz finish up today