Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I smiled and snickered at Huck's dream.
That was something great to read. I really like those.

Hmmh, I saw a pretty interesting dream last night.

I was with some kind of science team going through ruins of some kind of lab, which was filled with radiation, and thus we had to use those fancy huge suits.
Well, we were walking around, and then we came to a dead end.
Me and some other dude had to take the suits off, and then put highly explosing explosives on the wall. Wait, what?
Well, my pal just set up the explosives (which apparently were basic AA batteries), and I threw one there... And we had to escape in time until the explosive hit the ground.

Well, you might've guessed that the whole place exploded, including us. There was no way we could've escaped before the bomb landed :v

I died, and there was only blackness... Until I realized I could think.
Then I just opened my eyes.
I was home, but I had all those burn and radiation marks on me.
Over time, I healed, and even though some people saw me with all that skin burned, they didn't care.
I realized that I was immortal, whenever I died, I just had to open my eyes and I was healing from my wounds.

Soon, I went to the same ruined lab with an another science team, again in those huge fancy suits that prevent radiation.
This time, though, we went to see what was the reason for the explosion...
Well, we went to the same dead end, and there still was some explosives that hadn't exploded from the last time.
One of the guys started to play with one of them like with a basketball - spinning it on the finger, and when he attempted to bounce it, it exploded.
Even though, this time I didn't die, neither did any of my partners.
One of the partners said "dude, stop playing with the bombs"

After that I don't really remember much. But I remember that I again died in an explosion, and just opened my eyes to be alive again.
Even though after that time a blue screen came in front of me saying that I can be killed by explosions three times more.

And after that, I don't remember anything.

wall of text woo

I have an another dream, which I must tell to you - especially because you're the Toribash Community, and this is about Toribash. :v
I didn't dream it last night, though.

Well, now I don't remember a lot of it, but I remember that there was a war at Nabi Studios...
And Nabi Studios was some kind of a highly technical building with all those kewl sci-fi screens etc.
I was running away from something, I think it was a dude with some kind of futuristic machinegun (not shooting lasers, though).

Then, I reached a door, which seemed to be my destination.
I crashed in like in any kind of awesome action movie - kick the door down, having a huge weapon on my lap (I know, that's not the real way to use a weapon, but I had just watched Die Hard :v ), and screaming "STOP RIGHT THERE YOU CRIMINAL SCUM" or something while having no shirt, those fancy muscles pumping out of me, no hair and black pants and no socks.

...And what did I see?

Novitech fucking raping gman80 in his ASS.


Then I woke up.

And was all sweaty.


That vision was burned forever in my memory. I can CLEARLY see what it was like - Novitech had a red shirt, black pants, and he was bald... And gman80 had full black clothes with L hair.
And they were doing it doggy style.
And there was a huge window behind them. Nice view.
And on the sides there was all kind of monitors etc.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Last edited by Tonakai; Jan 11, 2010 at 09:07 AM.
My dream from last night wasn't much of a story to tell.
It was mostly random Age of empires 2 combined whit Warhammer scenes that I remember from the last play & codexes.

Going whit my effin' viking cavalery and being crushed by a huge aztec son of a bitch,bird like thingy from Warhammer 40k Fantasy series.Surviving I limped at my house and jumped on it.
Then I arrived back at my castle, where I built a huge assault army and moved my whole castle out of that area.

Balls,I hope that I will have better dreams this night.


Oh right, found the bird.Imagine that without the staff and the clothes :3
Last edited by dbuhos; Jan 11, 2010 at 10:31 AM.
Centuries Of Damn
I had a dreamless sleep last night. Either that, or I just laid there with my eyes closed, absent minded.
I felt absolutely awful when I woke up.
I didn't have one last night, but there are some dreams that I remember for a long time for some really weird reason.
I had that classic "falling-off-a-building-and-when-you-hit-the-ground-you-wake-up" dreams when I was three...
For some reason I can mainly remember this one: Well it's hard where to start... ok, I guess...
There was some mountain called Mount Sasquatch (I think) and it had some of these metal poles in the back of it for some reason that didn't make sense at all. And I think there was some slime pit that my family made it through, and for some reason we were told the Emperor from Star Wars was there, but I never saw him... It was also really foggy... And for some reason there was this part where I was holding a brain, and it was all dry and cobwebby and I accidentally broke a piece off...

I also remember this scary dream (at least, scary when I had it) where the beginning was the most retarded thing ever: it was in a really small one-room house, and in that room was a lot of pink stuff (IE curtains, shoes) and dolls haning out of a dresser. And then my "dream camera" as I call it pans over to the window (with pink curtains) and there is an outline of a bald man wearing a cloak and red eyes. And he's coming closer and closer until I wake up and freak out.

I have so many weird dreams that I could tell that I can't fit them all in one post, really o_O
ill post eveyday here about my dream
my dream last night was about a girl the girl i luff
but then when im walking in the park i saw her kissing someone
so i was liek :V but anyhow i run over and punched the guy and then i got punched and throw off the cliff
and i woke up :V
have any of you ever dreamt of stuff then they come true? anyway i dont have normal dreams except for those. i dreamt that i was part oh the scooby doo gang and that we where in a graveyard then these emo zombie clowns attack us and the rest i dont remember.
Supermans X-ray vision, Americas #1 cause of breast cancer since 1982
And that happened?

Dang, I keep wanting to post more of my dreams but they are so illogical (is that a word?) that it's hard to explain what happens in them...
A question about dreams, have you guys ever dreamt a dream where you control everything, like, you can choose which way to run, to punch or anything?

Dream: I'll just tell you this one thing of a dream, I sat there vomiting ramen noodles. I had a different dream lately, but it's sad...and if I bring it up, it may make me all emotional, because it's happened to me before, but it makes me sad to any think that, because a lot of my dreams come true. Before any assumptions are made, not it's not rape.

Another thing too, one time I was dreaming and I punched someone in my dream and I woke up punching the air. Same thing with a kick.
Last edited by mezablade7; Jan 11, 2010 at 11:27 PM.
No one dies a virgin, life screws us all.
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