Endurance Onslaught 6.0
-is it possible to have 2vs1 or 2vs2 in single player? how? cause i dont see an option for that...
~yes but not yet...

- whats that "engageplayerpos" and "engageplayerrot" thing, and how do i use it?
~they're for 3 and 4 player...

- also, how does the "engageheight", "engagerotation" and "engagespace" works?
~engage height is how heigh off the ground you are, engage distance is how far away you are, and space is for 3 and 4 player...

- what does the "damage" do?
~damage 1 is regular, damage 2 only hurts tori, and damage 3 hurts both...

- is there a number of objects limit? cause i cant put more than 12 objects on the scene...
~ojb limit is 12...

- also, how do i make an object stay floating on the hair? cause i tried to set the mass to 0, but when i play, the object disapears after i press space.
~flag 8, press f wheil selecting the obj you want to make static and check static.... theres nothing to really make it "foat" besides 0 gravity, but that effects tori and uke to..

- still about the mass, how do i make it, so that the tori can grab it? cause i've set it to 0.1 but it is still heavy, and i can only change it like so: 0 -> 0.1 -> 0.2.... etc
~i usualy use 0.001, press caps lock and it goes down by less...
Last edited by MrPoptart; Oct 29, 2007 at 02:11 PM.
hmm... i made a block where my toriguys stand on. but they go right through them! why wont they stand on the thing?
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
LineTori, check out the FAQ sub-board Ok? I made a topic there to help people out with environment mods. I have a link in there which takes you to a thread where you can ask all the mod questions you like.
Don't change my title you asshole
Damage 0 is only hurt other, 1 is both, 2 is only hurt self.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
"engageplayerpos" and "engageplayerrot"
are for setting position & rotation specific for each player.
rotation is only supported corrently for z axis.

engageplayerpos: x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 and so on
engageplayerrot: 0,0,angle1,0,0,angle2 and so on.

It is only in use when you set the engageplayerpos correctly.
You can't set the engageplayerrot only.
the angles are in degrees.