To be honest, for a while I have grown to like more rhythm than zawesome solos.
I used to hum solos all the time, until sometime ago I started to like the bassy rhythm on several songs... And among those I hum some rhythms that I invent myself.

So yeah, I choose bass because of the rhythm and the sound.

Of course I don't mean that guitar is absolute shit, I still like it...
ye i would go with guitar as well
if you want amazing solos... you can;t really get the thrill you would get playing an amazing guitar song like Stairway To Heaven if you played a bass song.
Fr_Death - Metal Gods
Left 4 Dead 2 FTW!
In the begening the bass was strictly used as a time and tempo in a song thinking that all they were good for is plunking on one string at a time. But eventually ballsy bands started putting their bass player in the front of the band pushing the guitarist over to the rhythm side like rush and yes.. This changed the way people look at the bass and their player for ever. the bass players isnt just some retard that cant play the guitar but a guy that can destroy you on a 12 string bass. There really isn't a way to compare a bass and a guitar anymore. They hold equal roles now in most modern music..
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
I enjoy playing both.
I like the guitar for solos 'n stuff, because I can't get through the rhythm parts without knotting my fingers. D:
But I think I like the bass a bit more, since I get the rhythm and the sololike parts halfways straight on my bass. :3

Fura: What can I say? The pure definition of cool <3 ~BirdFlu

<RedDevil> Is it strange that Fura is the only regular Wibbler I like
Ohey look over there, a dancing dinosaur. :D
hanz0: The betting bot isn't programmed to scam anyone.

Fee: Fura you are fucking awesome.
I like guitar more because almost all the instruments revolve around that one instrument and depending on the person the instrument holds a ridiculous amount of rhythm and can keep the bands sound intact. Also guitar solos over perfect riffs are cool.

About Bass it's cool, but I can't say much of it outside of Metal because I don't know any other bassists outside of metal.
Example of an insane bassist in a non metal band.

Last edited by taran; Feb 10, 2010 at 07:07 AM.
You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!
bass, not even a fair contest. Should be drums vs bass then i'd have to think for a bit. But im biased, i dont buy rock albums
I don't prefer one over the other. They're both important in their own ways. Guitarists usually are in the limelight, but there's some Bassists that kick ass like Les Claypool, Geddy Lee, and Flea
Bass is far more important.

Anyone who says otherwise really needs to brush up on their theoriez

Originally Posted by Negroid View Post
Again i must post: This is a fucking stupid thread, since you can't compare musical instruments. Unfortunately this will be deleted soon enough because some crap moderator doesn't have the intelligence to argue against my opinion.

Oh hi there, I appologise in advance for Guv_na, he's a faggot. I undeleted your post just so I could rofl

Now, where were we.

Bass guitar provides a sense of tonality for the entire piece, as well as giving an impression of the changes (through changing notes or walking).

Guitar plays chords which are non-descript without a reference bass tone in the grand scheme of things and is ultimately there to "fill out the mid-range". This can be done by the vast majority of the band, particularly keys or piano.

There is a reason why you see many jazz bands without guitar, but they almost invariably have a bass of some sort. This is the reason why.

A large number of rock groups are too stupid to realise this.

Sup, just winning the thread.
Last edited by m0o; Feb 10, 2010 at 09:09 AM.