mac gyver dnb remix (got it from youtube)
dj valentino suck my dick.

btw my combos are all real breakdance powermoves i tryd to not just bust strange moves in relax mode wich don't exist in actuall breaking.
Originally Posted by hopeman2 View Post
its kinda borring and next time /opt hud 0

and i lol'd at end

OMG TY, thats what i searched for almost a year! xD
Pretty awesome replay you got there, I WANT IT!
9/10 for the awesome replay and great 1st video.
No, but serioulsy. Can I have the replay at 00:35 ?
Originally Posted by Dave View Post
Bad music, Bad replays, laggy too much and you don't hide the hud. 1/10 for me.

but end was good +1 so 2/10