Fuk dat'.

I liked it!

Great replays, good sync, good freecam, and it looks nice without effect raping it. Was not boring at all. o/
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
To be honest I didn't really like the camera work, a bit too jerky for my taste. Could use some more effects but the replays are incredible and the sync has potential d(^_^d)
good vid im tired of all this videos with crazy shaders and effects personally i think they are just annoying and take away from the replays themselves...i like that you kept it simple and used the regular shaders 9.5/10
loved it, but as marco said, needs more chaders |: also, the replay at 1:48 honestly scared the living shit out of me with that massive boomhit
dude, I was ready to give this vid a 7/10.\
but you basically raped me when it went into neon/invert form.
that just boosted it 10 points.
17/10 fucking raped me man.
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Pretty boring as a video, the only thing that kept me watching were the replays.

I only watched it knowing that the replays would be epic. Nice camera work also.
bring back wibbles