Originally Posted by KaTaNa View Post
But shit I told you that I put the C has 100 !!!!!!!!

wtf thats supposed to mean
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...
I wish people would actually find out how to check DM rather than spew BS.

Hint: It's with notepad.
<hampa> that is insane
Apparently having a life means to accomplish nothing.
Thousands but you too can make a madman it is necessary that you start with 75 DM, and after you put the DM 100 and you will see it's very easy afterwards
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!! no no no no no!!!

don't you ever madman with a 75 dmtreshold! watch other's madmans, use fast joints and whatever, but don't lower the dmtreshold, it's stupid getting used to it that low.

a good hint is to first learn how to initially break uke to pieces and then restrict yourself of frames, like putting it to 300 or so and trying to break him the best you can in that time. that's how i learnt to do better madmans.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
it's OK. and that's just my opinion, but i think it's a valid hint.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!