Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The search function and Dealfinder
Are currently down. Please stop asking about them. They'll be back up eventuallysoon.


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So just wondering, any projected time frame?

Cuz I hope it doesn't take as long as stats. While the improvement was pretty epic for stats, the lack of search is starting to get on my nerves.
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Originally Posted by fardor View Post
Hum... Well, they're coming back anyway, but just to know, what happenned to them? Bug? Being fixed?

It's just become slow and... "Outdated" But it will be good as new in a few days.. maybe weeks... etc..
I wouldnt be happy... i want answers please...why is it down? R they totally remodeling it or somthing? I know, I probably dont have the best termonology. I am not that great at computers... can u say the answer in standard english instead of trying to use big words or talking in binary xD
Yeah - good to knoe its beeing worked at it - Hopefully at last 50% of the ones that want to complain read this even without searching for it :P

Thanks btw - you all are doin' great job outside there (:
Rien ne nous conserve soigneusement avant d'illusions comme un coup d'oeil dans le miroir
Whoa, I'm glad this thread is here, I'm getting pretty annoyed :/
I hope soon enough, I can't wait
not dead