amazing except for 2 things .

1 a LITTLE too shiny


2 the handle of the sword looks too much like one of those rings u use to keep keys together.

other then that its amazing

hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
i still have to upload a larger image. reducing the reflection will reduce rendering time. ill move the hand down perhaps, maybe edit the handle a bit but not too much

At least you can tell the difference from the blade and scabbard now.
But yea, too much reflection
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
its just too much reflection cus the joints are black the blackness just becomes reflective. i tried to fix that, but i wont know if it worked until the rendering is done

Too much reflections, the sword is blue -.- And the reflections don't fit the background...

Now thsi is still a huge update. there is the thing from he is taking the sword offf now.

the last update gets 7/10
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Whoah, that's good. I don't like the handle much, but the sword's awesome and the joints look like magnetite. Nice job.
