Original Post
Want to hold tourneys and events? Apply for GK!
So guys, I have decided!

The list of the people who is getting GK is:

To the others who didnt get selected, dont let this get your hopes down, I will be in need of more gamekeepers soon, until then, aim for being known and respected in the community and gain as many hosting experience as you can.

See you next time,
SlipAnc and the gamekeepers.
Last edited by SlipAnc; Apr 23, 2010 at 05:22 PM.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Your name and age
My name is Dennis de Zwaan. I'm 17 years old.
Your timezone
GMT + 1
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event
I'm an admin on a Dutch forum, I host lots of tourneys in several games (Like Super Smash Bro Brawl :P) , as well as design events and stuff like that. Somewhere in the near future I will be co-hosting a big event from Oshi too.
The reason why you want to join
I like hosting events, thinking of an idea for an event, stuff like that. Helping other people getting their events off the ground sounds good to me as well.
The reason why should we pick you
I'm a (decently) skilled replay maker, making judging and thinking of ideas for replay competitions easy. Also I have lots of ideas of all sorts of events. I can think of events pretty easy and I like it too. Lately I am getting increasingly active ingame too.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash

I am Garry, 17 years of age and I would like to apply for gamekeeper. The reason for wanting to apply for this position is that I think my experience and enthusiasm would be ideal for this job. I have hosted many in-game tournaments, which I still have logs for. Looking back, I remember them being quite a success as you can tell from some posts in the following threads.

Some hosting experience from the past: – Inside the nine, series of tournaments. – Another series of tournaments.

Many other in-game tournaments which weren't logged. – My contribution towards Military month.

Some early competition ideas and art made back in the days of Bash:

I applied to be a tori-agent basically because I wanted to get involved in the community and take on some staff positions. I did this under the understanding that there would be an opportunity to progress higher. Although I am still on trial now seems more than an appropriate time to progress as you need new gamekeepers and I have past experience which can’t be ignored.

Hope this is considered and if you need to speak to me, I will be in IRC.


  • Your name and age: My name is Patryk Wojciechowski, I am 17 years old ( 18 in October ).
  • Your timezone: GMT + 1
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: Well, as a part of Corrupted Waffles Council I am responsible for making Weekly events (for clan members only), and keep logs clear. Also i have hosted one tourney and made one design event.
    Some proofs:
    Weekly event #10
    Weekly event #11
    Weekly event #13
    Weekly event #14
    Clan picture design event
  • The reason why you want to join: It's simple. I want to help you with your work ( I know it's hard and mainly in ,,underground" ) I have some ideas for events, i guess i could be usefull. Also, being GK would be a great experience. That's all.
  • The reason why should we pick you: Well, im active in game, on forum and irc ( mainly on #polska and #waffles channels ), also im the Teacher in Polish subforum of Unibash so i have some experiences with working with newbies. Im accustomed to hard work, I think Im reliable and i could handle such a serious task like being GK.
    Thanks for your time.

Name and age:
James, 16 years old
In another three days, -4 GMT
Past hosting experience:
Some Weekly Replay Competitions which I shall be continuing right after I finish up with the ORMO Cup.
Why I want to join:
To be able to bounce competition concepts off other like-minded folk and perform collaborative events without having to organise it completely by myself.
Why I should be picked:
I've hosted several events before, all of which have been on a pretty strict schedule that I have been able to stick to with only one exception so far (delaying judging for one day in a competition due to schoolwork). For this reason, I think I can get jobs done quite efficiently and work hard to provide a fun experience for the players that I attract.

I won't lie, my multiplayer activity will probably be quite poor (currently playing once or twice a month) but I'm pretty active on the forums and not afraid to perform jobs that some might find boring and trivial, such as in-depth analysis of replays for my competitions.

Additionally, I currently hold a few minor roles of responsibility in the community such as Replays moderator and ORMO moderator, both of which I have had for several months and both of which I feel that I have made a positive contribution towards.

I'm also fairly active on IRC - you'll be able to find me in #toribash among other channels for most of the day.

Thanks for reading.
Your name and age: Max. 13.
Your timezone: gmt -6. I'm on a lot.
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: None. But i have been to many, So i know how its done.
The reason why you want to join: Because i have had a year in the forums, Only 1 infract.
I have seen a bunch of tourneys. So i know to run it.
The reason why should we pick you:
I'm man lovers ( well really good friends ) with bust3r. So he could semi mentor me.
I'm Not the most active ingame, But in the past week or so i have been 100x more active then normal. ( should stay that way. ). I believe i could help a large amount.
And, I'm a low belt. I don't know if that helps. But i hang around the semi-pro servers a lot, Where most of the scamming and harassment goes down. So theres another pro.
The cons are, That I'm young. But i have been on the computer for most of my life.
I spend at least 6 hours every day. I'd say 60% of that is on the toribash forums/In game.

Hope this application is liked.

P.s. My old account was carlton.
If you are wondering.
Last edited by Boonana; Apr 16, 2010 at 02:10 PM.
Your name and age: My name's Nathan, and I'm almost 15 years old.
Your timezone: GMT -8
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: I used to host tourneys a lot, I've probably hosted about 30-50 throughout my toribash career. I haven't hosted many forum events, but I think I'd be great at doing it because I'm creative, organized, and I know what all you toribashians like.
The reason why you want to join: I've fallen in love with the forums and the game, and I also wanna get myself more active ingame and I think this would be perfect for me.
The reason why should we pick you: You should pick me because I'm able to multitask when needed, I'm understanding of all kinds of people, regardless of their join date, and I'm very active on the forums and I will be ingame. I could be on from 3-5 hours on weekdays and 4-9 hours on weekends if needed. I speak perfect english, so nobody will have any trouble understanding me. I have experience with hosting tourneys, and I've been friends with 2 gamekeepers (WildSlash and Huck) for a long time so I know what's expected of GameKeepers and I know how to act as a GameKeeper. Since I first joined these forums, I've always wanted to help out here in any way I can, on the forums or ingame. I think I'd be perfect for the job and I hope you pick me for it.

I'm kinda in a tight scenario since I'm in mobile will probably be back on the computer this monday so please bear with my application. I mentioned yesterday I'll be leaving for a weekend vacation and I am currently on mobile.

- Aspire, 13 years old, GMT+8
- I hosted an estimated 50 tourneys which all are sponsored by me. Like I stated before, I am currently on mobile so I'll give you my links when I get the chance.
- You should pick me since I'd really love hosting tourneys and creating competition for the good of the community and its members in it. I have tons of ideas which I think can be implemented as a major toribash event in the future.
- I want to join the GK team like what I said before. I love hosting tourneys and I only stopped it because I lacked the toricredits. ---- I think I have matured in a level that I am capable in handling responsibilities and taking respect from my fellow peers in toribash. So that's why I can be a Gamekeeper.


Some were not that successful due to the lack of dedication needed to put all the events at play. But I think with the help of the GameKeepers and Nabi Studios, I may put all my ideas at work.
Last edited by Aspire; Apr 18, 2010 at 01:35 PM.
Originally Posted by Aspire

My name is namdi and i am 12 years of age.
My time zone is erm... i think UTC-4 hours

Well i have hosted mini tourneys ingame but that is pretty much it

I think that i would be a good supervisor and can make up some awesome contest ideas.

Well this application probably doesnt stand out from all the rest. You should pick me because i could be a great addition.

  • Your name and age
hucota, i dont want to say my real name. ill be 15 in july.
  • Your timezone
im pretty sure its -4, east coast usa.
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event
i know how to run things but i havent ever held an actual event, but i used to run a forum. (the forum died because my computer went on fire. no admin no forum)
  • The reason why you want to join
im ingame more than i am on the forum (so dont judge me by posts) and i like to have fun and make sure everyone else is having fun.
  • The reason why should we pick you
im reliable, i play almost every day, ive never abused power and never will.

i dont expect that ill be chosen but i might as well take a shot at it.
Your name and age
derek 14
Your timezone
+ 0
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event
none but id like to try
The reason why you want to join
i want to be a significant part of the toribash community
The reason why should we pick you
i dont like to sit back and watch i like to keep a close eye on whats going on so if theres a flame war or something il wade in and break it up and i wont stand for things like racism and sexism also im very active ingame
Last edited by weed33; Apr 16, 2010 at 02:33 AM.
[Pure], wanna join?