Original Post
Pulse's Weekly Comp: A Tribute for.

Hi All!
Each Week I'll organize a competition with different themes!


Your objective of the week is to choose a famous replay maker or a replay that you like and try to emulate it.
Try to make the replay very similar to the original so you'll earn more points.


- The replay must be in classic mod or sambo.tbm
- Replays can't be longer than 2000 frame
- No hacking or stealing replays
- All the replays must be made for this competition (no old replays)
- You can post up to 3 replays
- You must say what's the name of the replay or the replay maker you want to emulate.


1 place - 20к
2 place - 10к
3 place - 5к



This list may be changed.
If you want to be a judges just PM me.

What we'll judge:

Style /20
Similarity (Between the replays) /20
Difficulty (of the replay) /10

The deadline is April 25 00:00GMT (Sunday night, Monday morning)
The results will be exposed Monday.
Good luck all,
And have fun !!

I'm also hosting some Daily Tourneys:

Last edited by Pulse; Apr 19, 2010 at 07:46 PM.
Long gone
And the Winners are:

3 Place Pliser:

Style 9/20
Similarity (Between the replays) 10/20
Difficulty (of the replay) 7/10

2 Place Tbashed

Style 10/20
Similarity (Between the replays) 17/20
Difficulty (of the replay) 4/10

1 Place Fighterx

Style 14/20
Similarity (Between the replays) 12/20
Difficulty (of the replay) 8/10

Gratz Fighterx. I'll send you the money soon.
Long gone