When I see these kinds of things it makes me think about gaming. I mean I can see having an Tori on my arm and just tapping the joints on my arm and then on the screen those joints change. The Tori would likely stay in the starting pose though. I'd actually like that feature but I think most people would find it troublesome.

Also, can't wait to see "The World". Get my mind sucked in and go into a coma, end up playing as a girl character and fall in.. You know what nevermind.

Still if you've seen any of the .hack// you would have to really think. Will we see a game like that soon using the future technology?

Hmm... the iTap! ................ YES APPLE WILL OVERCOME ALL! ... Maybe. I can see how that would have issues, due to it's name. Bleh, they have time to come up with an alternative name. Hopefully it won't be something like "the iArm" >.> The iVisualize sounds like a good name and pretty suitable, but sounds more like something you would get from your iDoctor(omfg JesseD you faeg making eye doctor into iDoctor).
Originally Posted by Bjjwannabe View Post
It's being made by a microsoft intern, I doubt that it'll be named after apple.

I think you failed to understand what I was saying. Obviously apple could make something with this kind of technology. Not saying that the particular thing you showed us will be named and branded by apple. I could see apple making use of similiar technology for phone or mp3 devices.

To be honest I don't think what we are looking at is gonna go anywhere. So far what they has.. does close to nothing compared to today's technological standards. Maybe this device should be first released like a wireless mouse/keyboard for a computer. Rather then something of it's own. Start small and progress to big.
Originally Posted by JesseD View Post
I think you failed to understand what I was saying. Obviously apple could make something with this kind of technology. Not saying that the particular thing you showed us will be named and branded by apple. I could see apple making use of similiar technology for phone or mp3 devices.

To be honest I don't think what we are looking at is gonna go anywhere. So far what they has.. does close to nothing compared to today's technological standards. Maybe this device should be first released like a wireless mouse/keyboard for a computer. Rather then something of it's own. Start small and progress to big.

Well so far it's only starting as a blue-tooth device. But I would love to see variations created off of this, and to see how they're different. Hell, even having a camera would be awesome.
About someone mentioning having tori on your arm and clicking joins, what about the really skinny people with thin arms? I don't think it would fit.
Not useful in any way.

Plus highly impractical and annoying

The same effect could also be achieved using AR techniques, or BCI techniques.
It's just that its useless so no one has done it.
I'd surf the internet with my dick.
You all were thinking it.

Anywho, I'd buy it, if just for the novelty of it.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
About someone mentioning having tori on your arm and clicking joins, what about the really skinny people with thin arms? I don't think it would fit.

You could probably re-size the screen depending on arm width.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks