Original Post
[Event] Tru Gangstahs.

I might hosts events each month if this go well, so participate ;P

I've been dealing with some "Internet Gangsters" for a while now,
I'd like to see the real gangsters step up.

The rules of entry are simple, make a piece of art resembling your thought of a gangster.
This can be a mobster, or a hip/hop gangster to just name a few.
You can enter by making a picture, a texture set, or a video (replays), but pictures are preferred.

Each person is allowed 1 entry, so think wise before entering!
This will be held from now till the end of May.

Each entry is judged by it's originality and how much it resembles the theme.

1st place: 100k
2nd place: 50k
3rd place: 25k

Now get busy or ima cap yo ass fag

Good luck everyone!

Banners to be added shortly.
Last edited by AlphasoniK; Apr 23, 2010 at 11:06 PM.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by OngBash View Post
I submit our clan Pic. Ong is RL Gangstah so is my clan.

Lolfail.I don't have motivation to continue my WIP.
im going to enter.

edit: wip #1 (bringing in a new style)

pretty bad at this point but i will improve it

Last edited by Shortyish; May 1, 2010 at 05:19 AM.
I'm sorry but I will have to close this.

I'll think some more and come up with a better event soon ;P
Apologies guys, this was a crap event.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.