Original Post
Nabi Tourney: Island Survival
Welcome to the Island Survival Event.

This event will take place on Friday, December 7th, at 23:00 GMT.
In Australia, this corresponds to Saturday at anywhere between 08:00 (Perth) to 10:00 (Sydney).
In the United States, this corresponds to Friday at anywhere between 15:00 (Pacific) to 18:00 (Eastern)
Europeans probably won't have any trouble figuring out what time it is for them.

This event will take place at the Guru server.

The format:
In the first round, you will fight in a free-for-all under the following rules for 50 minutes:
match frames: 160
turnframes: 20
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: 125

The 2 players who win the most fights proceed to the finals.

In the second round, you will fight in a free-for-all under the following rules for 50 minutes:
match frames: 160
turnframes: 20
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: -125

The 2 players who win the most fights proceed to the finals.

In the finals, the 4 finalists will fight under the following rules for 20 minutes:
match frames: 250
turnframes: 25
mod: classic
disqualification: 0
dismember threshold: 125
fracture threshold: 100
dojosize: 300
engage distance: 0
engage rotation: 125
The player with the highest number of wins will receive the First Place Prize: Sapphire Blood.
The player with the second highest number of wins will receive the Second Place Prize: Vampire Blood.

Other rules:
It is not a win if your opponent is AFK or disconnected.
There is no need to sign up, just show up and fight.
You can join in at any time, the server will not be locked.
Those who over-swear, especially at the officials, risk getting kicked.
You may play in both rounds. If you win in both, you have one opponent less to worry about in the finals.

Enjoy, and good luck.
-Your host, Psy-T
Last edited by Psy-T; Dec 7, 2007 at 11:28 PM. Reason: Improving the formatting.
Scoreboard for the first round:
[bncy]Clbck 4
[72]Jeox 3

[Inq]happydog 2
[i]Xero_Kazuma 2
[Freelance]TOastman 2
[Syn]latenitekid 2
[Torigod]kwOmp 2
Punkk 1
[Guru]LJ 1
[Triforce]ravenger 1

Scoreboard for the second round:
[Torigod]kwOmp 5
[Guru]Umbrafire 3

Slipknotzi 2
[Guru]LJ 1
[CBK]AnkkA 1
[Freelance]TOastman 1
[RAWR]Jamieshmamie 1
[Guru]1,000,000 1
[i]Xero_Kazuma 1
[a]drone 1
[72]Jeox 1
Zackerie 1
[RAWR]Dr_Strangelove 1

Scoreboard for the finals:
[bncy]Clbck 5
[Guru]Umbrafire 4
[Torigod]kwOmp 2
[72]Jeox 0

Clbck won the Sapphire blood, but chose to exchange it with Umbrafire for the Vampire blood.

congratulations guys.