You get used to it.

Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
Not to sound like a virtual pedo or something, but how old are you?

Lol'd pretty hard man.
Originally Posted by Jan_miguel View Post
well thats life

we all need to move on

you born you live you die

Pretty insensitive and narrow minded concept of life coming from an 11 year old.
Thats kind of shocking..
Was he like erm... takin medicine? if yes, your mom couldve given him his medicine faster and saved him :/

Nothing you can do about it now though,
poor guy
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Why did she come home crying if she got the call an hour after she got home?

Also, tell her to relax. There's not much she can do about it. Is she new to the industry?

She's really emotional about that stuff and she was just shocked by it. no she been in the industry for like 10 years

Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
That's crazy. I got chills reading that. Not to sound like a virtual pedo or something, but how old are you? Feel free to not answer. I'm just curious as to how it's going to affect you and whether or not you'll remember this in a month.

Im 15. It didn't really upset me too much because i wasn't there and i have no idea who it was. It's like hearing about someone dying on the news, just my mom told me.

Originally Posted by Teknik View Post
The Poor Dude.
What the hell Are you doing on Toribash.
Comfort your Mom.

Jeez what is the world coming to.

But if its about you wanting to talk to someone then thats a completely different story.

I did comfort her. I posted this about 4 hours after she got home. she stopped crying and I did pretty much all I could do. Even that's not much

EDIT also for the people who are commenting on the medicine taking 30 min, its not simple like them saying i want my prescription and they just give it to you there's some kind of process it goes through. you have to wait some amount of time. and keep in mind i dont know every aspect of the story i just have the jest of it. it may have been for something else I don't know.
Last edited by randomguy8; May 19, 2010 at 09:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
Pretty insensitive and narrow minded concept of life coming from an 11 year old.

D:< i agree completely!
Jan WTF!? do you understand nothing about peoples feelings?