Endurance Onslaught 6.0
nice toot but my opinion is that retards still remain and they wont even bother reading all of this.
Anyways +rep
Thanks guys Next section should be finished by today or tommorrow at latest, outlining each seperate esection of the forum.
Quit, probably.
Cool tutorial. Many useful tips you got there for newcomers.

wakain: Get google chrome or firefox. They have English spell checkers. Also, try to start every sentence with a big character and end it with a dot. That will make you look much more serious.
Regardless of whether you did this for the +rep or your overwhelming concern for the quality of people we have in the community, the tutorial is good and will most likely have a positive impact. This tutorial completely backs up my arguments for having a rep system in a community of mature people. Nice job.

I would however suggest that you add some things to Discussion and Beginners Sanctuary. You should also add another tip "Read Sub-Forum Rules"

Discussion: Regardless of your opinion on the subject, getting emotional and acting irrational towards another community member who holds an opposing opinion is not wise and will result in you looking and feeling stupid. If you disagree with somebody then do it respectfully and do it with proof, opinions mean nothing without the proof to support them. Obscenities are something to be avoided in an intelligent discussion, especially if you are to get your point across as intellectual and logical.

Beginners Sanctuary: This is a section for the benefit of all members and as such it is expected to be treated seriously. Answer questions as best as you can and always look to be helpful, if you do not know the answer then do not post there and if you disagree with somebody else's suggestion then refute it with your own suggestion backed with evidence. Do not post here if a question has been answered unless you have a question relating to the already answered question.
Last edited by Murmayder; May 22, 2010 at 05:01 PM.