I agree with Rustler. Games these days are just too easy. They're designed so that anybody can beat them. Older games could ONLY be beaten by skilled or devoted gamers. As I'm neither, most of my NES/SNES collection remains unbeaten to this day.

Difficult games aren't bad. Being rediculously hard is the whole premise behind roguelike games. That being said, I suppose roguelikes aren't terribly popular...
I do agree with some points...

There are less stories in games nowadays compared to late 80s early 90s games. This developers REALLY need to work on.

But, there are some really good games out there that have crappy communities. I saw that rant about WolfTeam and I had the same exact problem with that game. Good concept, crappy community. This is why good games die and okay games thrive.

I think back to the time where all videogaming was fun and there was no "your gay and have no life because you beat me at this game you probably have no life", which is most likely said by a child under the age of 13.
I agree, the older games such as "Guardians legend, Mario bro's 3, Skate or die 1-2" ect. were more in depth with there story line and a much a longer plot and game play. Now adays its all about co-op and free roam and grafix, such as "GTA-4, Fable 2, Skate 3, and MW2" and so on.

I still play some of my older games on my pc. But I miss the old days when you would just grasp a small controller without it vibrating on you. >

nostalgia makes everything look better. picking out a few gems and saying "THUS OLDER GAMES WERE BETTER" is stupid. How about Bioshock? Don't even try to tell me that game doesn't rely on story and feeling.

ALSO the whole thing with online gaming. People are basically dicks. They want to prove they are better than everybody else, and if somebody else is better, they need an excuse. Doesn't matter what you are doing, this will happen.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Wolf Team wasn't like that when it first started, but it has gone in to decay. All games that are in the decay phase are like this; abusing and hacking.
Plus, that is an NCsoft game, which are notorious for this kind of thing XD

There are still a lot of games around that give you that same feeling, and make you feel like you are part of something epic.
The problem is MMOs and the bigger market, good luck feeling special and epic in a game played by 5 million others.
That said, single player games are not dieing, the new Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed prove that.

I am not exactly sure what the future holds for gaming, but from where I sit it just keeps getting better for gamers (although, worse for modders, but now days there are 10 billion gaming companies anyway, they are replacing modders).
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
nostalgia makes everything look better. picking out a few gems and saying "THUS OLDER GAMES WERE BETTER" is stupid. How about Bioshock? Don't even try to tell me that game doesn't rely on story and feeling.

I'm gonna catch a lot of grief for saying this, but...

Bioshock was all feeling, and no game. It lacked both difficulty and replayability. It was fairly easy to get everything on your first playthrough. It was more like an interactive movie than an actual game.

For a game to give real mileage, it either needs to be tough enough to take a long time to beat, have lots of different "paths" or "modes" for replayability, or have a great multiplayer mode.
I agree that games nowadays are overall easier than before, but then again, i don't like trying to get past the same section 11 times just so the game can be longer. I disagree with the part about new games lacking in the story department though. Mass Effect 2 has an epic story, while a classic like Doom has next to nothing in that sense. The only story Doom has is the text that pops up when you've completed a world. It certainly is fun to blast demons with a rocket launcher, but if you play games for the story, stay clear of Doom, which is an old game.

As for online players being bitchy, i haven't really played online enough to notice that. Probably because i'm a really sore loser myself. =P
Regardless, i know that the majority of the rather vocal online players happen to be cocknuts. Other players just keep quiet and focus on the game, and a third group is a bunch of nice and polite guys/gals who aren't shy of talking in a civil manner, maybe even congratulate you on a victory. I can't say anything about the distribution of people between these groups, but the first group tends to make itself the most noticed, unfortunately. I'm 99% sure that this isn't a new phenomenon, though.
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