Hey it's me.
Obviously you took that zombie thing from the image..Plagiarim is where you steal something and use it to get credit.
Hi it's Praeter
Originally Posted by Praeter View Post
You didn't make the itachi and the text is same...

you mean all its need to be drawn or what, i did the damn text, wht do you think i did googled praeter?
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[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
no you just put some fuckingtext over the googled pic.
ALL BY URSELF IDIOT, k i mean something simpe,like vector style..
maybe like oysters grumpy potato thingy avvy
Tint is sex.
no ive made all the damn efects the only thing is not mine is the damn itachi cartoon, if you want me i could send you the psd so you can take a look damnit!
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[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
hey man calm down i was jsut trying to do something for YOU, im sad you dont like it i though you were going to like it, and sorry i dont speak a lot of english im sorry :/ but man your an angry person
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[Kingdomz] Proud Member!