Originally Posted by toxicangel View Post
And yet we have won WW1 and WW2 mean time France has never won a war and Germany is still recovering from what the USA and Russia left behind. Mean time all we do is sit here and prep for a war that im sure is going to happen in the next 40 years. Let me ask you this is we arnt feared then why is it that we have only had two attacks on us in the time that the U.S.A has gained its freedom? Truth of the matter is we lead not by fear but by numbers 9-11-2001 was prof of that we where attacked and we went to war. How about peal harbor? We where attacked and yet again we joined the war mean time Hitler was trying to gain more land for a bigger army to try and take us on. D-day rolls around and that oh so great leader kills himself.

Smallwallotext warning.

We did not fight in world war 1. Learn your history. France has won MANY wars, and you are stupid to discredit them so much. France was the powerhouse in the world from 1000 A.D. until the 1600`s when the British grew as an economic power and dominated the world. It wasn`t until after world war 1 that America grew to an economic surplus, which was VERY short lived, because from the mid 1800`s to the pre-world war 1 moments, Germany was the industrial superpower of the world and had the ability to mass produce anything 10x more then the rest of the world could combined. In world war 2, we joined after Britain and Russia had pretty much demolished the Germans and were just driving them back to where eventually they would have crushed the German forces due to Hitler`s bad organization. In Korea, which was dubbed as a **police action by America, and no other country recognizes it as such, America got pushed all the way down to a single port city, and lost south korea more land than we gained back during the entire timespan, and were dominated so badly by collectivists who couldn`t care less about what happened to them, as long as their country prevailed. Our losses in Korea were tremendous enough to make the public lose faith in us as a superpower and a militarian beast nation so we pretty much changed the history taught to us to ensure that such an event would never happen. In Vietnam, we were outnumbered and gunned down from all sides by the collectivist pseudo-communist VietCong and we decided to pull out(We gave up because we COULD NOT win). Now, lets hop over to Russia. Russia went to war with Afganistan. An unwinnable war seeing as the Afgans are generally brutish collectivists who can just crawl back to their mountains and gun everyone down. This became known as the Human grinding machine, a useless effort by the Russians which ground them down economically and socially, enough so that the Russian public was split which led for Gorbachev`s coup of communism(Reagan did NOT bring down the Soviet Union contrary to popular belief). The next war, was not a war, but was a mans vendetta and vengeance for Sadam Hussein, who took several attempts at George H. W. Bush`s life, which was continued by his son in another conflict to get rid of him. We simultaneously entered into a war against terrorists, previously known as radicals throughout history, and we are losing badly enough. Like the USSR, we have entered into an unwinnable war that will shatter our Economy, split our masses and end us politically eventually. All the wars America has ever won were by sheer luck, because the war was already fought by another country and the scraps were left to us, or because the other country got bored.
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
Smallwallotext warning.

We did not fight in world war 1. Learn your history. France has won MANY wars, and you are stupid to discredit them so much. France was the powerhouse in the world from 1000 A.D. until the 1600`s when the British grew as an economic power and dominated the world. It wasn`t until after world war 1 that America grew to an economic surplus, which was VERY short lived, because from the mid 1800`s to the pre-world war 1 moments, Germany was the industrial superpower of the world and had the ability to mass produce anything 10x more then the rest of the world could combined. In world war 2, we joined after Britain and Russia had pretty much demolished the Germans and were just driving them back to where eventually they would have crushed the German forces due to Hitler`s bad organization. In Korea, which was dubbed as a **police action by America, and no other country recognizes it as such, America got pushed all the way down to a single port city, and lost south korea more land than we gained back during the entire timespan, and were dominated so badly by collectivists who couldn`t care less about what happened to them, as long as their country prevailed. Our losses in Korea were tremendous enough to make the public lose faith in us as a superpower and a militarian beast nation so we pretty much changed the history taught to us to ensure that such an event would never happen. In Vietnam, we were outnumbered and gunned down from all sides by the collectivist pseudo-communist VietCong and we decided to pull out(We gave up because we COULD NOT win). Now, lets hop over to Russia. Russia went to war with Afganistan. An unwinnable war seeing as the Afgans are generally brutish collectivists who can just crawl back to their mountains and gun everyone down. This became known as the Human grinding machine, a useless effort by the Russians which ground them down economically and socially, enough so that the Russian public was split which led for Gorbachev`s coup of communism(Reagan did NOT bring down the Soviet Union contrary to popular belief). The next war, was not a war, but was a mans vendetta and vengeance for Sadam Hussein, who took several attempts at George H. W. Bush`s life, which was continued by his son in another conflict to get rid of him. We simultaneously entered into a war against terrorists, previously known as radicals throughout history, and we are losing badly enough. Like the USSR, we have entered into an unwinnable war that will shatter our Economy, split our masses and end us politically eventually. All the wars America has ever won were by sheer luck, because the war was already fought by another country and the scraps were left to us, or because the other country got bored.

Several countries were involved with World War I. The Allied powers included Russia, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, Portugal and the United States. The Central Powers were Germany, Austrian-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

Now to sit there and keep running on and on about something that i have proven you know nothing about is just stupid. all I did was read the first two lines and I feel no need to keep reading because your one tracked one is annoying me
Originally Posted by toxicangel View Post
lol yeah like Russia. I know they could kick our ass. I think that is why we try and stay on their good side. Still the point of the matter is that we have made it known that we are a force to be f***ed with


their technology is waay behind ours, at least ten years because of the time spent under Mongol rule

look at the proof, in world war 1 and 2 they had the most deaths out of any country

World War 2 casualties:
USA - 418,500
Russia - 26,600,000

Russian population (Jan 1, 2010): 141,927,297
USA population (July 7, 2010): 309,674,000

no reason to fear the russians
Originally Posted by Infern0o View Post
World War 2 casualties:
USA - 418,500
Russia - 26,600,000

We were late comers.
It makes sense

+They did most of the heavy duty work tbh
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by EpikTh0rn View Post
We were late comers.
It makes sense

yes, we were late comers

BUT, their casualties were over 43x ours...
We you also have to keep in mind their assault on the German capital.
I hope all my info is correct
Going off of memory
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Soviet casualties were high because the USSR faced the vast bulk of the German army by itself for three years, from June 1941 to the Normandy invasion of June 1944. Prior to the latter event, only a relatively small part of the Wehrmacht was tied down fighting the western Allies, in North Africa and Italy. In 1941, when the Soviets suffered their worst losses, they faced about 160 German divisions while the British faced just three in North Africa. Another reason for high soviet losses was the relatively greater expertise of German officers and combat troops, especially tactically. Many soviet troops were barely trained conscripts thrown at the enemy in human wave attacks, and mowed down in great numbers.

also, their medical technology was WAAY under par. many deaths occured because their medics couldnt do what other countries medics could
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
No one has ever feared America. Get your facts straight kid.


I'd also like to attack the main post (this has been stated previously). The video is not the US military, it is the Israeli military.
Last edited by Diabeetus_old; Jul 7, 2010 at 05:47 AM.