Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Toribash] Gang-Bashers

This Uke kid hasn't paid protection money, dawg.

What is this?

Uke hasn't paid protection money so we gotta drop his punk ass!
Create a 4 player replay showing Tori, Player 3 and Player 4 gang-bashing uke. An example replay can be viewed here, thanks to Nightin.

Follow this tutorial if you're unsure of how to make 4 player replays.

-No stealing/hacking replays
-You may only submit one entry
-You may change your entries as many times as you wish (edit your original post)
-Tori, player 3 and player 4 must all be working as a team to beat up uke (no backstabbing)
-Mod must be sambo.tbm
-Dismemberments and fractures must be turned off
-Replays must be no longer than 2,000 frames.

Realism: ??/10
Cooperation: ??/10
Creativity: ??/10
Style: ?/5
Brutality: ?/5

1st: 20k + August Toribooster 100 pack
2nd: 10k + August Toribooster 50 pack

Disclaimer: The packs do NOT come with actual Toriboosters. Only the items listed.

30th July 00:00GMT (Thursday night, Friday morning)

Good luck everyone and have fun!
Last edited by Tamer0; Jul 24, 2010 at 06:06 AM.
Pretty sure it works as it has worked for quite a few other people already.

Make sure you're putting 4 player replays in the 3.72 replay folder and then opening them in Toribash 3.72, otherwise you're probably opening them with a later version instead.
no thats not what i meant can you upload a toribash 3.7 without shaders on beacuse my pc cant run so much shaders my pc can only run with reflections -.- anyway i made my replay but it saved as nothing it saved as a 1kb file and all my work was ruined nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o i worked so hard ;[ i even walked 3 steps the only thing it showed on my replay was uke and me falling
Shaders start off as default anyway so you shouldn't have too much of a problem. If shaders are on and you can't turn it off, open the default.cfg file in your Toribash directory in Notepad and change the shaders value to 0.

As for your problem with saving, make sure to keep regular backups of your replays so that you have a fallback or two.
tamer i tried that but i cant change anything on the options anymore i have bumpmap On but i have it turned off on the default file and on the game i cant even turn on volume!