In my previous videos I've already been told I made them too "effect-y". I'd rather make these as a really cool presentation of replays rather than a presentation of my editing experience. If I make something like that video you linked (not sure if I could, really) it wouldn't be about the replays anymore but about the video in itself.
However, I have been meaning to experiment with some new stuff lately. Since this was my first video in months I didn't want to risk myself too much so I only used few new stuff (for me) like bending the camera sideways or having transitions with colour changes. I'll try to make something more original next time but it's going to be experimental and there's a good chance less people will like it.
Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
In my previous videos I've already been told I made them too "effect-y". I'd rather make these as a really cool presentation of replays rather than a presentation of my editing experience. If I make something like that video you linked (not sure if I could, really) it wouldn't be about the replays anymore but about the video in itself.
However, I have been meaning to experiment with some new stuff lately. Since this was my first video in months I didn't want to risk myself too much so I only used few new stuff (for me) like bending the camera sideways or having transitions with colour changes. I'll try to make something more original next time but it's going to be experimental and there's a good chance less people will like it.

much effects can truely look pretty bad, but only if you don't know how to make it looks so smexy that it's not overeffected :P

I'm glad to hear that! experimenting is what brings us further in experiences. It might not look good at first, but it will soon.
I love the video, it's just mindblowing.
One of the best synced ramping I've seen in a while.
There were a couple of bugs that I noticed when you did the shader transitions but in overall it's great.
really cool video man,
as jets said thanks for cheering up the
community and i liked the vid it was sex nice effects
i loved the beggining it was perfect.
10/10 you are a god at videos.
Also just to get the facts strait.
The spar was it Nuthug vs Oblivion Or Muffindo Vs Oblivion.
Lovely all around. I have zero complaints. The editing was smooth, the shaders were all awesome and your freecam is truly great now. This has totally inpired me to make another video (not the clan video, I need that shader bug fixed) sometime soon.

Originally Posted by Jets View Post
Also just to get the facts strait.
The spar was it Nuthug vs Oblivion Or Muffindo Vs Oblivion.

The spar was made entirely by Oblivion but I put my textures as his opponent.
Excellent, most excellent. The only minor gripe i have is that you sometimes can't see what's going on, due to the speed, but it's just a minor issue. I'm in the video, so i'm in no position to complain. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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