Well, this is useless trying to argue, seeing how he won't listen to logical reasoning (and even an example)
Evil, personified in a chocolate bar.
fine, I'll just give in even though I'm the one who created it, it seems logical for me to know what is set to what. What a friendly community.
Its also logical that you don't have shin textures, gradients, or anything else that could make both you and ukes legs black, except for instagib mods.
Evil, personified in a chocolate bar.
DoulbeFort, c'mon man. It's a funny replay and all- but these people aren't trying to insult you. Listen to what they're saying and take a look. You'll see it's instagibfeet.

You probably didn't mean to set it to that, but mistakes happen all the time.
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget
I know it's a mod thanks, but i never intended for it to be nor knew it was on. Also I just watched it on my comp and the shins aren't black or anything like instagibfeet usually has. Really strange.