My first mod was Twinsword4, and i always got beaten up by the other players that had little more experience that me.
And now after a while [ 9 months]
i can decap uke and stuff.
Not as good as the pros do, but my replays are good enough.
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Well i have to say that in the beggining nobody knows which joint does what, and thats kinda frustrating.
Happened to me and i simply got bored...
So i decided to quit, and after a few months i came back.

well,why do you think there is a "school" of toribash in the options?
no one looks at it.

but yeah,i'm according to maylene,the game is really slowly dying...
how many peoples did i see that had just come back in the game after 2 years?
around 20 :/
its the same thing as with halo pc.
slowly dies. slower than halo 2 vista did,but still O.O!
ik what u mean.
Toribash has a different breed of players. The weak an simple minded ones wander off. The stronger players with a knowledge and patience for the game stay. The end result of this is a stonger community with players dedicated to the game. No I do not think TB is dieing. It just takes a little longer to expand. You have to be patient and give it time. If everything you guys have stated was 100% true we would not be here today. Just think back 3 and a half years ago when there was no such thing as textures, flames, or even the insanely fun mods that were invented. If the game was just as you say don't you think it would have died a long long time ago? I'm a little upset that this topic was even created to be honest. Then again this is only my opinion. I may be wrong but this is how I strongly feel about the matter.
I think toribash is dying casue of the lack of updates, and the deep learning curve.
When I frist tsarted I didn't even want to play the game it was so terrible to me, it was just awful...
I kept on going every once a month or, when I was bored.
Eventually, I got hooked, like you guys.
But I still want to become a "real pro" and do awesome moves, I'm good enough I
just want to be the best, or close to the best.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
I dont think toribash will die because if even though alot of new players are leaving, theres more new players joining then old players leaving,

And the same thing happened as far as leaving and coming back,

I found this game because i was looking for a game where you made your own attacks (found it), and i found a vid on youtube showing toribash. So i watch a couple of vids about it and was just amazed. I downloaded it and played for maybe a week, at that point i was still terrible i was maybe a orange belt or so and i quit.

2 months later i was bored out of my mind and i was screwing around and opened xfire and at this point i had completely forgotten about toribash, And in the "Installed games" List there it was, opened it up and was hooked ever since.

And about a year and a half later here i am a proud 6th dan.

I didnt get on the forums until blackbelt though, and i deeply regret that.
Team America|7th Dan|
For me toribas died long time ago at the day that hanz0 is away, market is down, veb takes everything over and forums got hacked.
I only go on forums to market and in-game to make replay.
there is nothing interesting to do on multiplayer anymore.
i know that gamemaster are trying hard to make in-game fun but I think they failed.
All they do is bet room and a 5k tourney
Toribash is not dying, it is getting replaced with noobs. Of course people leave, but they come back. Anyone who is leave and not mature will come back. I came back t toribash twice, it is addicting to me and if I don't visit forums once a day, I kind of feel strange. So yeah, toribash is now full of noobs who like to troll but eventually fail. All the good people are inactive and toribash is getting boring, sooner or later I will quit too.
The way you have to think of noobs is, you were a noob when you first joined.

A noob joining could be the next Pro, and by the time all the pros are dead and gone it will be full of new old players.
Team America|7th Dan|
I believe that toribash is going downhill, I dont think it will die any time soon, but the new wave of people that i simply dont like, is kind of pissing me off. In the past year, I have seen alot of arrogance and immaturity come to toribash. And i think its something that people should just simply try to end. Yeah the lack of updates isnt helping, but thats not a reason for a game to die out. Im proud to count myself as a part of the dedicated few of toribash. Kind of a good idea for an organization to be honest :] So yeah, I think its time toribash gets a wake up call and turns itself around. I still greatly enjoy the game, but I can definently tell a difference between January 2009 of toribash and January 2011.