Originally Posted by Vekk View Post
Yeah lol, but guys look at starting bid please :/

Yeah sorry I didnt see the starting bid...... My offer stands O.o.
League of Legends > Heroes of Newerth
Im sorry I cant go over 750.... So I guess im out of the bidding PM me if you get no other offers ok? (Im not meaning this to be mean.)

Gynx Moderated Message:
User infracted for useless posting, keep this to private messaging. Christ.
Last edited by Gynx; Feb 19, 2011 at 12:23 PM.
League of Legends > Heroes of Newerth
ill auto buy for 2k and a recoller to red pls
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
yea but i want this one recollerd
Swexx | Beta | Internet | Erth| Orko | Suck | Water | Numbers |
If you can make a full set i'll offer 9k
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

If I see anyone offering less than the start price in this thread again I'm going to send those particular people on a vacation.

Use your fucking brains.
collect snots from the nose