thanx for enormous amount of comments
anyway here is another replay. I liked it ^^, but i can't decide continue it or not :s
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#eripas Malice And Betraytors.rpl (171.5 KB, 74 views)
Another replay based on previous replay's opener. (Hope someone will download it or even comment it :s)
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#eripas Malice.rpl (607.1 KB, 86 views)
Overall work: Was really nice, the dismembers were pretty good. But it took to long inbetween hits

Individual work:

Skeet: Was like "wtf is he doing with that core piece" Than I saw you throw it and thought, "A self skeet?" But you ended up kicking the hand to get it, was really good.

Opener: I don't know, its over used imo, not that great and or stylish.

Movement: You really had that down, I can't find much with movement other than the fact of the opener being not good but you made up with that from the double core.

So, try faster dismemberments, less frames(900? D Better openers and you will be golden
Thanks alot Shuckle!
Yea a big amount of frames and a bit slow motions are the main problems but I'm in progress and mayby someday I'll become golden
Last edited by eripas; Jun 9, 2011 at 04:34 PM.