Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
From what I've seen so far since I've been making replays, most of the people who complain about boomhits being overrated are those who don't like spending too much time making replays or those that are not good enough to aim their hits to pinpoint accuracy.

I've played this game for years. In that time I've made hundreds of boomhits. I helped popularise the concept even. In my experience though, booms are boring(in general, there are always exceptions). Most boomhits are the same, frontal kick/punch to the groin/chest. I want to see more diversity in replays. Odd angle booms are great though.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Korvin View Post
Boomhits are easy to make and they look nice. Obviously, since they are easy, every noob can do them. That's why they become so popular.

Check out some oldschool replaymakers and will see the difference. Sure, today people may do much greater replays, but you can easily see the perfect taste that players had back in the days.

Noweb's replays, must see.

Boomhits =/= easy
if you want to make Boomhit you need to have good aim and body positioning ...
if you don't have that you wont make boomhit higher than 3 dm ...
and 3dm is barely a boomhit ...
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
Boomhits =/= easy
if you want to make Boomhit you need to have good aim and body positioning ...
if you don't have that you wont make boomhit higher than 3 dm ...
and 3dm is barely a boomhit ...

But its still a boom hit Most of my "boom hits" ARE 3 dismembers. I find 4 are ok, but 5 is overrated imo. When you get 6 come talk to me ;o

But, I find that fast single or 2 dismemberments are great. and very little frames within the hits, so, split, and decap within 20-30 frames come by a pec dismemberment and maybe some glute action, all within like 100 frames is pretty awesome.
Boomhits are great when done with knees/elbows/heads/thrown body parts
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Like seriously. In fucking past there was one 6dm boom made by beznick, and it was outstanding(at least for me). Now you have NotNoob and GamerDaPro and who the fuck ever. It gets boring really. I mean fuck.
[20:35] <Erth> :D
Boomhits are good to a certain point... now if you don't know nothing more excepting boomhitting on your replays, your reputation as replay maker just stands doesn't raises to the next level.
For instance, if you boomhit on a replay, you boomhit on the next replay and another boomhit comes on the next replay, there it comes boring and doesn't give a reason to people be excited to watch your next replays.
There's so many other things to do like: skeet, dancing, realism, manipulation instead of losing a couple of minutes (or even hours for some maniacs) to get the infamous 4dm or even 5dm hit.
Use the time you waste to get a good boomhit to practice other skills (e.g. realism, skeet)
Now, what I've just said is not an order but an advice. Each replay maker has his/her own style and I think everyone should respect that.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Boomhits themselves don't amazing me, but the motions preceding it can be pretty awesome. However, if all you're doing is flailing your limbs in an attempt to rip as many things apart as you can, then the, eh, beauty of the movement is lost. The fact that things broke apart doesn't amaze me unless it's truly a mass of blood in a blink of an eye.