I take transformers as a guilty pleasure. I do have fun watching it, but it honestly isn't a very good movie. I hate that it lacks any extent of style, any sensible humor, any interesting characters, and enemies that aren't shades of gray.

I would pay to see it in the theater, if it didn't support michael bay.

I would definitely watch it at home with a good sound system and Blu Ray.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
I saw the trailer on TV a second ago. Same stuff as always. Yet Im still gonna watch it, as Ive always liked transformes, even the old ones I remember (being animals iirc). Those were badass.

New ones are ok.
This movie is fucking awesome!
Saw it today.

Last edited by Ray; Jul 1, 2011 at 08:16 PM.
Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated...

Oh, don't spoil Deadmau :/
I'll go on it tommorow, trailer is awesome. Hope I'll enjoy it
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
Originally Posted by Deadmau5 View Post
This movie is fucking awesome!
Saw it today.
Optimus has one arm now :<.
But Megatron is ded.

1 arm!?!? whats happening to optimus?
if megatron now is dead i think this is the last chapter
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There is 'rumors' of a transformers 4 movie coming out. However Shia Lebrouf quoted 'he won't be playing in it'.

But as someone wrote in a youtube comment, I do agree the Shia eventually give in to the amount of money that will be offered to him to play the roll.

Edit: sorry if I've sidetracked the discussion :P
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
There is 'rumors' of a transformers 4 movie coming out. However Shia Lebrouf quoted 'he won't be playing in it'.

But as someone wrote in a youtube comment, I do agree the Shia eventually give in to the amount of money that will be offered to him to play the roll.

Edit: sorry if I've sidetracked the discussion :P

theres no transformer 4
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