Originally Posted by tehunknown View Post
sure just dont forget about us. yo sham add him to single allies list

Done. Alright guys. I will be making an IRC. I want to be an IRC clan, so come on and join.
woah woah woah bro i understand ur good friends with sham but u can't just barge in and demand allies, u need a reason, and u need to ask nicely

Besties with Sham. That is all
Originally Posted by tehunknown View Post
woah woah woah bro i understand ur good friends with sham but u can't just barge in and demand allies, u need a reason, and u need to ask nicely

Dude, he's chill. Accepted.
Dear Inc.
Would you please be kind enough to lend me your hand as the first step of partner ship in becoming single allys. I can always bring you good times and laughter, and the heart and soul of myself, and the toribash community. I am writing this on behalf of tehunknown, and the beautiful shammy.



(Was that better my friend? And thanks shammy