I will leave the one i believe and remove the ones i dont believe

Stereotypes about Asians in America
*Super polite and subservient
*Men have small penises

Stereotypes about Hispanics in America

Stereotypes about Blacks in America

*Men have huge penises

Stereotypes of Whites in America

*Cant be trusted and backstabbers
Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push Miracle Whips
Wikipediad a little

During the 2008-09 season, almost 82% of NBA players were black

As of 2001, the chances of going to prison in percentages for various demographic groups

Originally Posted by Dyzaa View Post
Please tell me which one you believe.

Stereotypes about Asians in America
*Eat cats and dogs
*Always excel in math, science and technology
*Are always Chinese
*Can't drive
*Super polite and subservient
*Women are exotic and sexpots
*Men have small penises
*They all speak bad engrish (english)

Stereotypes about Hispanics in America
*They are all illegal immigrants
*They all love beans particularly the refried kind
*They are all from Mexico
*Women are loose as in whore-ish
*Involved in gangs and gang violence
*They live in 15:1 bedroom dwelling
*Drive with 9 people in a 5 seating car
*They are loud and like obnoxious colors

Stereotypes about Blacks in America
*Men are criminals/drug dealers/hoodlums/thugs and deadbeat dads
*Poor and on welfare or the government teat
*Men have huge penises
*Women have big butts
*Excel in sports that end in "ball" and singing
*Likes fried chicken, watermelon and vaseline on and for everything
*Stupid or ignorant
*Grew up in a ghetto or housing project
*Dirty, loud and hostile

Stereotypes of Whites in America
*All are racist
*Smells like a wet dog when wet and bologna when dry
*Are either rich or a redneck from a trailer park
*Socially awkward
*All are a part of the rhythm-less nation (can't dance)
*Men have small penises
*Women have flat butts
*Can't be trusted and backstabbers

Mhhmmm yep..yep...yep a lot of these are true but some are just stupid.

White women have flat butts? Below are you average american women.

Point taken but the pics are horrible.~Solax
Last edited by Solax; Oct 30, 2011 at 06:21 AM.
green belt playa toribsh best eva
Originally Posted by Ladder View Post
Mhhmmm yep..yep...yep a lot of these are true but some are just stupid.

White women have flat butts? Below are you average american women.

Nasty picture~Solax

wow someone really dislikes american women

how many times did you get rejected, sonny
Last edited by Solax; Oct 30, 2011 at 06:22 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Differs from person to person. Can't see a cat get run over, and then be considered suicidal animals, now can we? It's really the same deal with stereotypes, so while on-topic, I don't believe in any stereotypes.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by Dyzaa View Post
Blacks in America
*Men have huge penises
*Women have big butts
*Excel in sports that end in "ball" and singing
*Likes fried chicken, watermelon and vaseline on and for everything

These aren't stereotypes, they're facts.
Solax Moderated Message:
Sources to the studies used to prove these statements need.
Last edited by Solax; Oct 30, 2011 at 11:03 AM.
Originally Posted by Dyzaa View Post
Please tell me which one you believe.

Stereotypes about Asians in America
*Eat cats and dogs
*Always excel in math, science and technology
*Are always Chinese
*Can't drive
*Super polite and subservient
*Women are exotic and sexpots
*Men have small penises
*They all speak bad engrish (english)

Stereotypes about Hispanics in America
*They are all illegal immigrants
*They all love beans particularly the refried kind
*They are all from Mexico
*Women are loose as in whore-ish
*Involved in gangs and gang violence
*They live in 15:1 bedroom dwelling
*Drive with 32 people in a 5 seating car
*They are loud and like obnoxious colors

Stereotypes about Blacks in America
*Men are criminals/drug dealers/hoodlums/thugs and deadbeat dads
*Poor and on welfare or the government teat
*Men have huge penises
*Women have big butts
*Excel in sports that end in "ball" and singing
*Likes fried chicken, watermelon and vaseline on and for everything
*Stupid or ignorant
*Grew up in a ghetto or housing project
*Dirty, loud and hostile

Stereotypes of Whites in America
*All are racist
*Smells like a wet dog when wet and bologna when dry
*redneck from a trailer park
*Socially awkward
*All are a part of the rhythm-less nation (can't dance)
*Men have small penises
*Women have flat butts
*Can't be trusted and backstabbers

Stereotype of Americans in general

Added a few. Guess I'm racist against white people because they don't get as many preconceptions from me. =D

Edit: Just read the top of the first post and I don't actually believe any of them 3: The emboldened ones are just the ones I use in conversation.
Last edited by Hippybob; Oct 30, 2011 at 11:27 AM.
Stereotypes about Blacks in America
*Men are criminals/drug dealers/hoodlums/thugs and deadbeat dads
*Poor and on welfare or the government teat
*Men have huge penises
*Women have big butts
*Excel in sports that end in "ball" and singing
*Likes fried chicken, watermelon and vaseline on and for everything
*Stupid or ignorant
*Grew up in a ghetto or housing project
*Dirty, loud and hostile

Likes chicken yes. Every black guy i have ever met loves chicken. Like watermelon? No. I hate it.

Dirty? No only the loud mouth abnoxious girls that are Ghetto fabolous

I didnt wasnt raise in a ghetto neighborhood. I am just how i am.

Stupid or ignorant.
-Malcom X
-George Washington Carver
-Harriet TUbman

Shall i continue?

Men are criminals/drug dealers/hoodlums/thugs and deadbeat dads
My dad isnt any of that. Or any other peoples dads

Men have huge penises
Unfortanitely i have a 4 inch one. So no...
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