Oo, that sounds interesting. I'll check it out, thanks. I'm not sure if I could use any of my skills on there but I'll have a look and see.
Tint is sex.
I worked as a mate in a yatch around your age. I'd try my luck in the local marina, if you live in the coast.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by Praeter View Post
I need some sort of job to earn a lot of money.

Good luck at 13. Most adults can't even get a good paying job.

I'm 17 and I get paid $18/hour for watching little fuckers at a daycamp. Pretty good pay for playing dodgeball from 7: 30 in the morning until 4:00. $720 a week isn't bad either for the work I do.
Originally Posted by Cole View Post
$720 a week isn't bad either for the work I do.

Lol you get twice as much in a week than regular folk in my country get in a month. I wish I had a job that paid like that ;/
Thanks guys, and wow, Cole you're lucky. o-o
Also, by a lot of money, I mean like £20 a week or something, maybe a little more, just to speed up the process of saving up 'till I get enough for stuff.
Tint is sex.
I don't know if you get a lot of snow up where you live. But I know people here who have made a couple hundred dollars shoveling the snow off the roofs of houses and shoveling driveways and pathways. All that put together is easily $50-$80 USD per job. Of course we do get a couple feet of snow every winter.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Im 12 and my dad's friend owned a grass cutting business and i wourked with him over the summer. I worked 4 hours a day and made $50 so i would say u should cut grass/rake leaves/etc.
How bout earning money online?Like selling e-books or doing surveys and stuff that I don't know how to explain.I'm 13 too,I earn about US$50 - US$200 every month.(That was 2 years ago,I don't do online business anymore).

How bout that?Might help.
A a thirteen year old, you probs should be con enraging on having fun being a kid. Growing up isn't that great man, why rush it?