Okay, you deserved to be called pro if most people in the community like you, and you've earned your way up to a Custom Belt(or 7th Dan and up, maybe). But some people, are just naturally good at the game, they are as good as those belt, but are lowly belts themselves. And of course, the devs will also be called pro for several reasons, users in certain clans, if they won the WC, best ranked user, etc. You might not know it, but someone think that YOU are a pro.

So all in all, it really is a matter of opinion.
Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
Most custom belts buy qi so no.

No not really. There's one custom belt who did not buy qi. I can't remember his name.

Smack bitches

Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
you deserved to be called pro if most people in the community like you


Since when has being liked had anything to do with being "pro"?

Originally Posted by king01 View Post
No not really. There's one custom belt who did not buy qi. I can't remember his name.

Me? Tripstone? Imsku? JePoY? Guys who bought Qi are actually minority. Most of us (Custom belts) have been here since forever and have just kept playing couple games every now and then, but after years we've collected quite lots of games under our (Custom) belts...
Last edited by Dargon; Nov 22, 2011 at 02:44 PM.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by king01 View Post
No not really. There's one custom belt who did not buy qi. I can't remember his name.

There's at least 70-80 people who had custom belts before QI appeared in the shop.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
As mentioned, this depends on how you define pro. Most members of ORMO are exceptionally skilled replay makers (not including yours truly, I barely play anymore), while clan Alpha has some crazy-ass Wushu going on. Truth is, this community is getting too big to easily finger out the best players, since there are so many talented ones in so many different areas. I guess the best player ever would be able to dominate in all modes, but that's wishful thinking, and some rather silly thinking at that. Jack of all trades, master of none and all that.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by newnoobist View Post
did anyone want to be my teacher?

Dude go PM a teacher.
I think a pro is someone who is extremely good in 70% of the main mods.Nuff said.
EDIT:Since your a NOOB and your Good aparently,You don't need one,