Originally Posted by PlayerID57 View Post
I want to know your opinion about the majority of the internet surfers and the web industries.

Personally, I have a feeling that everything is tearing apart.
A nutshell i might add. Where there is no common sense and understandment, where there are no more polite multiplayer games, where facebook is full of camwhores and douchebags, where YouTube is conquered by Copirighted industries, where most of gaming industries such as EA trying to milk us by selling nonsense shit to us.
And the worst is these unfunny memes which spread the plague on the whole internet.

I hate how people can't spell or use proper grammar while posting on the internet. It's really dumb.

I also hate ignorant people who believe that if something isn't funny to them, it's automatically not funny in general. I truly enjoy many memes, and find it amusing to browse sites like memebase. There are, in fact, polite multiplayer gamers.
/me points at gamemasters.
Facebook is full of cool people do. If you have problems with camwhores and douche bags, then delete them as your friends. Problem solved! Youtube really isn't conquered by anyone, that's why it's youtube. Music and trailers are copyrighted, yes, but people like TB, Jesse Cox, the Yogscast, Let's play channels, and other personalities don't have copyrighted material. Also who the fuck plays EA games? You're borderline retarded if you do. And if you're smart enough to recognize stupid games, then you don't have to buy them. Buy games like skyrim and minecraft that are clearly worth the money.

I think the internet is an amazing thing that is extremely useful, no matter if a small portion is populated by idiots. You can avoid them and use it for useful things.
I think there's too much hate, luckily, here on the toribash forums people like that gets punished.

I wish it was like that everywhere, then maybe the hate would stop.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
I hate how people can't spell or use proper grammar while posting on the internet. It's really dumb.

duuur dont cal mi dumb or i repot u stupit ashole

Seriously I do have a bad grammar, and thats because i dont make much effort for it.

Also excuse my "ignorance" about my denial about memes, I think i just care too much
As much as the net's changed over the many years I've been on it at the same time it hasn't really changed at the same time.

Online games have always had pricks in them, communities are no different, social networking has always had attention whores & people have always bawwed about it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Adding on to what skul said, you can't gather billions of people together on the internet and expect everybody to be somewhat sane. Crazy fucks can internet too.
Originally Posted by MrKapow View Post
Well, I don't care of how bad the internet is going. But i think that the screamer videos and the pr0n must be stopped.

Also, there should be less dumbasses on Facebook and some other places too. I have two friends on my Windows Live that put stupid nicknames on Messenger. That fucking annoys me.

I cannot begin to explain how stupid that is.
First of all, you misspelt porn which shouldn't at all be censored.
Second, you didn't even provide a reason to why it should be stopped because most of us guys love it. It is the only thing that keeps us sexually entertained and away from illegal activities such as under-age sex.

And "stupid nicknames of Messenger"? Does that mean stupid nicknames in real-life annoy you as well?
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
I cannot begin to explain how stupid that is.
First of all, you misspelt porn which shouldn't at all be censored.
Second, you didn't even provide a reason to why it should be stopped because most of us guys love it. It is the only thing that keeps us sexually entertained and away from illegal activities such as under-age sex.

And "stupid nicknames of Messenger"? Does that mean stupid nicknames in real-life annoy you as well?

That, sir, is a good explaination. You got my facts straight.

But do you know what Lolspeak is? Some people use it on the internet.
Snipin' is a good job, mate!
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Adding on to what skul said, you can't gather billions of people together on the internet and expect everybody to be somewhat sane. Crazy fucks can internet too.

I like it how Skulfuk explained in a politeway, but you sir...
forget about it
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
I also hate ignorant people who believe that if something isn't funny to them, it's automatically not funny in general.

Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Also who the #$%^ plays EA games? You're borderline retarded if you do. And if you're smart enough to recognize stupid games, then you don't have to buy them. Buy games like skyrim and minecraft that are clearly worth the money.

Excuse me, but I believe you just contradicted yourself.