Mexican sold to NinjaAiPoM!
Thx all for your oppinion about the shop. Comments allways wellcome.

Congratulations, NinjaAiPoM! First sell and its my favourite head... I wanted to use when I get texture head, but you will have the privilege.

Sending textures.
Thank you!
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery
hockeyrox1 OWNS Cannibaltastic
Cannibaltastic sold to hockeyrox1. Thx and congrats.
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery