Are you serious, murm ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
Are you serious, murm ?

Yes. Because if you hacked into the FBI and got caught, they'd simply ask you how you did it and not doing anything to you.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Yes. Because if you hacked into the FBI and got caught, they'd simply ask you how you did it and not doing anything to you.

also flooded ;)
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Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Yes. Because if you hacked into the FBI and got caught, they'd simply ask you how you did it and not doing anything to you.

No, if you were good enough they would hire you.
They tend to do that.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
No, if you were good enough they would hire you.
They tend to do that.

It was sarcasm. :|


Last edited by DrJim; Jan 23, 2012 at 04:56 AM.
not like the H.R. 1981 would change anything much, most sites sell information as it is, the US government is just too cheap to pay the fucking guys. If they do execute the bill in a piracy witch hunt sort of way, can you imagine how packed the prisons would be? I can't imagine this not having at least some sort of major retaliation in forms of protesting
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
yeah.. at last it was dropped form congress. We are safe... and MegaUpload wasn't closed because of SOPA, but about illegal copy of something...
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Originally Posted by DrJim View Post

Probably the best picture I've seen related to all this.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.