hi, i'm a bluebelt that used to be rank 1073 [ i stopped playing for a while, so my rank went dead :/ ]. my win ratio is 44.33% and my QI is 419.

also,you can find me alot in the ninjutsu, and twinswordsfixed tournaments on multiplayer.
By the blood of the ancients my enemies fall
i get along well with others[unless they're complete noobs, or they're mean to others.] i love to joke around and make new friends. i also love to try new things and challenges.
By the blood of the ancients my enemies fall
Can you be specific? I really want to know what kind of person you are. Hobbies, interests, what you're good at in real life.. shit like that.
ok then, my hobbies are video games, baseball, swimming, making youtube videos[my youtube is firestar9911] and making textures[i'm ok, but i recommend finding someone else to make your textures].
My interests include fast cars, art, weapons[the model ones you have on racks and on walls], and anything that annoys my sister [;)].
I'm also good at baseball, most video games, cooking, Tai-Kwan-Doe[sorry if i spelled it wrong], and most subjects in school.
By the blood of the ancients my enemies fall
my bad :P
and i've actually just started last year, my dad is teaching me. he learned it in the navy and he's passing down to me
By the blood of the ancients my enemies fall
1. Ingame nick "SacredWarrior" and my bank "SacredWarBank"
2. Join date: September 11th
3. 2th dan black belt, bou i have old acc with 3th dan. My rank is 350 for that moment.
4. I like aikidobigdojo.tbm - mod rank is 171 at that moment
5. Skype serj_320
Frostmourne bloodthirsty!