Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Ok, guys.
I might agree I get mad when you are posting like that, but why do I get angry?
Because I clearly said "If your going to be a jerk like you use to be on my videos you can just ingore this video and this thread", but what do you do?

you posted something and told them "dont criticise anything about it"
they commented on the negatives and you rage.

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
First, everything was good because I was an noob and didn't have so much experience.

"good" isnt a relative term, its either good or its not. this isnt school where the teachers mark you according to your level. you're marked on how we view things, if you cant take it, thats your own problem.

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Now, you all are like; Aw man, this sucks balls, Fucking worst shit I've seen, Learn to do somehting, You are just a bunch of jerks.
Srsly, do you people want players and people on the community?
Then you need to stop being such a mean little fucker.

maybe you should grow a pair and actually take in some of the comments given without crying that we dont like you, you decided that for yourself.

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
I do have a life, I worked on this in 4 days.
2 hours a day.

why do people always claim they have a life when things go bad? assumptions that on the internet, people dont have lives, while you're on the internet, hypocrite.

Originally Posted by Hours View Post
And this is the best I can do, when you just screws what I wrote down I feel bad.
It isn't fun to hear stuff like that when you worked on something really hard.

because you have not made any effort to accept or take in anything that has been said by those who do have experience.
i posted a valid CnC on the first page and you have completely ignored it, pretending it does not exist.

you have had a bad attitude regarding CnC since day one, and people have responded with a similar manner, escalating up to the point its at now.
if you bothered to read freelancers posts befor responding, you'd see alot more in it. if you would just take in SOMETHING of what gets said, the attitude towards you would improve dramatically.
Last edited by BenDover; Mar 20, 2012 at 03:59 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Ok, guys.
I might agree I get mad when you are posting like that, but why do I get angry?
Because I clearly said "If your going to be a jerk like you use to be on my videos you can just ingore this video and this thread", but what do you do?
Well, I think you can understand what you did wrong.
This is the reason why Im leaving the community.
First, everything was good because I was an noob and didn't have so much experience.
Now, you all are like; Aw man, this sucks balls, Fucking worst shit I've seen, Learn to do somehting, You are just a bunch of jerks.

Srsly, do you people want players and people on the community?
Then you need to stop being such a mean little fucker.
I do have a life, I worked on this in 4 days.
2 hours a day.

And this is the best I can do, when you just screws what I wrote down I feel bad.
It isn't fun to hear stuff like that when you worked on something really hard.

So, people. I might need to stop being a cry baby, but you need to stop being such a boss and can rule over everything.

(everyone that posts here again with another bad CnC and don't read the thread will be reported)

if you dont wanna hear whats wrong with your videos and get only good comments about your works, get a fucking god into videoediting and then come back... otherway just shut the hell up and learn to swallow.

Crying about us being mean (but real) wont make your videos better.
you can ask us to ignore you.. but sure the decision is up to us. Anyway we posted also for help you understand that if you looking only for cookies you are in the wrong kitchen.
Not all we are saying by being so mean is useless... there are good points in it... in the shit we throw to you there are some pieces of gold...

you make video because you dont have anything to do and you like to waste time in things you dont do well or for learn to do something and getting better in it every day
Hours i liked it but i didnt exactly get the meaning? It had a good feel like it was smooth BUT the twixtor was shit.... try recording with a 120 FPS camera for Twixor..

i just typed that with a broken arm..
Originally Posted by chicken89 View Post
if you dont wanna hear whats wrong with your videos and get only good comments about your works, get a fucking god into videoediting and then come back... otherway just shut the hell up and learn to swallow.

Crying about us being mean (but real) wont make your videos better.
you can ask us to ignore you.. but sure the decision is up to us. Anyway we posted also for help you understand that if you looking only for cookies you are in the wrong kitchen.
Not all we are saying by being so mean is useless... there are good points in it... in the shit we throw to you there are some pieces of gold...

you make video because you dont have anything to do and you like to waste time in things you dont do well or for learn to do something and getting better in it every day

Holy shit man! You've said that like 2 or 3 times! I got it, ok!?
Originally Posted by Felepeno View Post
Hours i liked it but i didnt exactly get the meaning? It had a good feel like it was smooth BUT the twixtor was shit.... try recording with a 120 FPS camera for Twixor..

i just typed that with a broken arm..

Meh, mobile is my only camera working right now.
Thanks anyways.
Hopefully this helps without being rude.

Try using less effects. Like, a lot less. A lot of the good videos I've seen have no distortion and are really clear. Lots of people prefer to see videos with clear footage and less effects. If you don't already know, try using more effects that go deep into the video instead of messing with it. An example would be ViTiek's "Fly like me". He didn't tamper much with effects. Most of the effects that tampered with the video didn't move, such as the frost on the screen, therefore not messing with the video at all. Another great effect that he happened to use/learn was the smoke effect. It looked nice and added a little realism into it.

Next chance you get with a video that has madmans in it, try making bloodsplats that slowly evaporate off of the screen.

And as for real life or Gaming videos, don't use many effects. If you want the video to be serious, simply use slow motion and a slight flash for the shooting when it comes to FPS videos. Not too long or bright. Keep working on it until it looks right. And the real life videos are where it gets hard. When it comes to videos like those, they normally look good with green screen. If you want to make a real life video without having to get a green screen, just add slight effects in the background. That and slow motion.

The art community is harsh. It's something we all have to deal with. And sadly, there are just some mean ass people on this that are able to help, and hurt your feelings in the making. In the end, you need to read past the negatives and look deep inside for the positives. The improvement also depends on you. Look at another editors style. Learn it, interpret it, edit it, and improve it until it looks like you've made your own style, leaving their style in the dust. In the world, people copy and improve stuff all the time. An example would XBOX360 and the Wii. The Wii had come up with little people that you could act as throughout few of their games. Microsoft liked that idea. So they took it, improved it, and now few people are playing Wii's (Not that people generally liked the Wii much from the start).

Keep trying. Improve and prosper my friend.
the goblin
I didn't really get the point of the whole video...

I liked the choice of music... BUT next time you should do a fli or jump from a higher spot and land properly...

The only positive thing from using too much effects was that it kept the video in tempo with the song but they made the video, which was already hard to see due to you're camera, harder to see...

next time:
1. get a better video recording device
2. Use MUCH less effects
3. Find clips and a title that relate to each other... (Ask yourself, "How does a sports drink relate to trees and a person jumping?", and "How does chilling moments relate to trees, energy drinks, or jumping down?")
4. Don't complain about negative CnC... (If you ask for others opinions and they give you rude opinions, than accept all of it, don't complain about them, and grow from it; or, don't post at all...)
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Originally Posted by zeroback View Post
Wat ev
Epic vid Hours
Those effects make Little things look baddass

Thanks alot
Originally Posted by joshyjojo View Post
I didn't really get the point of the whole video...

I liked the choice of music... BUT next time you should do a fli or jump from a higher spot and land properly...

The only positive thing from using too much effects was that it kept the video in tempo with the song but they made the video, which was already hard to see due to you're camera, harder to see...

next time:
1. get a better video recording device
2. Use MUCH less effects
3. Find clips and a title that relate to each other... (Ask yourself, "How does a sports drink relate to trees and a person jumping?", and "How does chilling moments relate to trees, energy drinks, or jumping down?")
4. Don't complain about negative CnC... (If you ask for others opinions and they give you rude opinions, than accept all of it, don't complain about them, and grow from it; or, don't post at all...)


1. I will, Im looking for one currently.
2. Okay.
3. Yeah, it was the end of the day and it was the only thing I could record.
4. Thats something I got to get better on.

Thanks anyways.