Originally Posted by Ferous View Post
I don't really see the point of playing at all if you're just going to run away when you get points.

Exactly this, when someone runs away, they usually balance far from their opponent, which makes it boring for them having to space every single turn without doing anything, and boring/irritating for the opponent knowing that the amount of frames left isn't going to be enough to even try and continue the fight.

On the other hand, it's most irritating when the opponent doesn't actually have the proper skills to make a come back, so instead of giving up, whenever no grab is between two opponents, immediately try to come back no matter if he/she is going to run or not, that's what I do, and it usually works.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Ferous View Post

I say it shows how much of a bitch you are if you run.

I don't even see it as being a tatic I just think its a bitch thing to do lol.

Absolutely, right and clear
Originally Posted by Ferous View Post
I don't really see the point of playing at all if you're just going to run away when you get points.

To win shit
Perspective: If all you care about is winning then go crazy, keep scratching peps and running away, shoveling, snap kicks etc.

The only thing that matters to me is the replay. So yea that means I think that running away its just lame (if its intentional) because of many reasons, because it ruins the replay, this a good one:
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
when someone runs away, they usually balance far from their opponent, which makes it boring for them having to space every single turn without doing anything, and boring/irritating for the opponent knowing that the amount of frames left isn't going to be enough to even try and continue the fight.

As I see it these guys that run away are usually the same ones that quit the game b4 loosing. Is it really rank that important?
I could understand if its tourney and the guy wants the prize really bad.
But doing it all the time......
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
running is a noob tactic, if you use it, this means that you get scared of your opponent and you'd try to avoid he, so if you win, you win like a coward, this is respect of your opponent, a good and honest player usually do a comeback for continue the fight, I always do the comeback because I don't like win so easy, you have to deserve a win.
Last edited by 2010simoDK; Aug 5, 2012 at 05:36 AM.
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
Well, It's damn annoying, It also turns the match into a boredoom.

If you can't play well, if you don't have any skill, you'll run when you get more points.
jirado no viraya
Originally Posted by largeKilla View Post
Is it really rank that important?

You'd be surprised what people do to try and accomplish something in a video game.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

It's funny how most of you bash it and label it a noob tactic and say that "Blah blah blah can't make comebacks, runs away, noob" but once they run away do you suddenly give up aswell? Or do you actually try and use comebacks, this i don't understand.

Don't label it if you can't make comebacks yourself.

Here comes the hate-train.
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Originally Posted by torismaser View Post
Don't label it if you can't make comebacks yourself.

Problem is that it's annoying and boring having to spend your time deliberately setting up your hapless flailing to make a jump, just because the other player basically forces you to. Most of all, it's frustrating. Frustration arises when you're prevented from reaching your goal, and just what is your goal here? That's right, kicking the everloving shit out of your foe, and you can't do that if you can't reach him/her/it. I won't call it nooby, because it's not restricted to that group of people, it's just annoying as hell like anything else beyond your control that prevents you from doing what's fun.

In fact, those people playing to win regardless of whether it's fun or not are the main reason i don't do MP any more, because facing the same "boring but effective" move OVER AND OVER is... Well, boring. Countering it gets boring too. You know how boring it gets? It gets so boring that punching Uke, a completely immobile dummy, is WAY more fun and exciting. Give me a proper brawl where both players are trying their damnedest to stay in the fight and give the other hell any day, i don't care if i lose a match if it was a blast to play. (also don't flood me with match invitations now)
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