Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
Warrior(Collector) 20k
Static Relax 45k

warrior - 15k
your static lax is overpriced a bit ;3
Originally Posted by Mccqa View Post
I heard you wanted shit? :3 Aqua hair colour, offer.

read the rules , fag
Originally Posted by zapekk View Post
512x512 right bicep texture.


No haggle.

No thanks
Selling tc via paypal , pm me
Originally Posted by nickroman View Post
Ground texture 18k
25 music in set 2400 tc

14k for ground :>
Selling tc via paypal , pm me
Originally Posted by nickroman View Post
And Amethyst lax 5400 tc
Amethyst timer 1 k
Head texture 1700tc
Neptune ghost 820tc

7k for all them
Originally Posted by death20 View Post
Quicksilver force 25k

too much , 19k
Originally Posted by nickroman View Post
Owca, 17 k - min price

oh cmon , 15 k is my max
Selling tc via paypal , pm me