2. Age: 12
3. Belt: Brown
4. Why do you want to join The Fallen One's:I want to join because I feel like I can Make a difference in toribash but I thought hey these guys are doing it so why dont I join them.
5. In-game activity (1-10) :9
6. Forum Activity(1-10) :5
7. Whats your GMT:not sure what that is but (Mississippi)
8. What can you do for the clan(wushu, aikido, youtube, TC donations etc):very good aikido,youtube (Med quality though)
9. Previous clans:-DarkRage(closed),Acid,TB rippers(200
10. Ban's or Infractions (If none leave it blank):1
11: Anything else you want to say?(optional but greatly encouraged): I was previously in this clan but got kicked for inactivity and im alot more active now and im making this app because Backstab1 told me too and that I could be able to get in the clan once more. thank you for your time.
thats a 2008 btw
1. Name(optional) :Chris
2. Age: 12
3. Belt (Brown and up):Brown
4. Why do you want to join The Fallen One's:I feel I can make a difference in this toribash but I thought these guys are doing it so why dont I join them.
5. In-game activity (1-10) :9/10
6. Forum Activity(1-10) :7
7. Whats your GMTont know what that is but I thought it was Gaming Matrix Time and I dont know
8. What can you do for the clan(wushu, aikido, youtube, TC donations etc):I make good youtube vids and I do very very good aikido,and Everthing else accept parkour but Im practicing
9. Previous clans:-DarkRage-closed-,Acid,TB rippers -2008 closed-
10. Ban's or Infractions (If none leave it blank):1
11: Anything else you want to say?(optional but greatly encouraged):
I was Kicked due to inactivity and was told from backstab1 that if I filled out an app I might be able to get in the clan once more.Thanks for your time. (8
I posted 2 cause I thought one got deleted by accident but anyway just so you know its one
Last edited by LIFEnDEATH; Dec 20, 2012 at 04:46 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well I played with the dude and if he was hacking he would have wooped my ass or something. I don't think he makes it a practice to hack he is simply boasting that he has the technological skills to do so. He's a cool dude and he was part of FBI and left. I don't know if you know but FBI has got some strict rules pertaining to openers, shoveling and fair fights all together. If there was any kind of hint of him hacking in FBI: BOOM kicked from FBI.
oh and sorry LIFEnDEATH but the forum activeness, low belt. I gunna have to say no. even on the trial period for nows. It's just I gotta stay strict on the applications for now.

however if you truely want in then you can hang out with us in game, post on our forum often and eventually we might move you into trial period. this is assuming you get more no votes. of course if others vote yes you will proceed to the trial period. no hard feelings
Last edited by nomechy102; Dec 20, 2012 at 06:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash
I don't really hack people. I hack programs and sometimes games but i play toribash legit because its so easy
old soul
I'll say yes to life and give my recomendation because lifendeath was good when I recruited him before.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
1. Name(optional) : Michael

2. Age:

3. Belt (Brown and up):
Well, I am not really at brown belt yet you see I just made this account so I am not high belt, but in a short time I will be there, it shouldn't take long I play a lot.

4. Why do you want to join The Fallen One's:
You guys are a good active clan, not many clans have as many people in one server as you guys do. I would like to be apart of this friendship and hopefully help the clan grow into something great.

5. In-game activity (1-10) :

6. Forum Activity(1-10) :

7. Whats your GMT:

8. What can you do for the clan(wushu, aikido, youtube, TC donations etc):
I can play Wushu3, Lenshu3ng, Tk, Kickboxing, aikido and some judo frac

9. Previous clans:

10. Ban's or Infractions (If none leave it blank):

11: Anything else you want to say?(optional but greatly encouraged):
I hope you guys don't look at my belt and reject me, I am quite skilled in-game and maybe of some help in clan wars. I would really want to be apart of this friendship.

I say yes and your avatar pic is really awesome.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.