Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Am I a superhero or something?

How come I could see the replays clearly? It just takes a bit of focus, it's nothing you should be bitching about. Seriously.
I'm not a huge fan of this style either, but I have to say I quite enjoyed it.

Looking forward to the full release.
I play games and lift weights.
rofl, I love it, truly.
Never had a video done before so this is all pretty "AAAHHHHH" for me.
Love the style and switchy camera angles, I could see the replays fine too, not really sure what people are talking about on that front >_>
To be honest, I think it's made them look better, sp isn't my strong suit so masking it in any way is surely a good thing.

Only possible criticism is that the colour correction makes it look very... cold I guess.
My replays tend to be very destruction based so maybe a more contrasting colour is needed. Other than that, I love every second <3

Consider this my public recognition that I owe you sexual favours, bo.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Toribash isnt a game where the videos are used to be overedited, though people do it but if you overedit, try to make the replay as visible as possible because it ruins the show. Videos are there to be watched how skilled the players are not only how good the editor is. You should get the exact middle between video edit and replay showing. 4/10 because i actualy enjoy overedits and could atleast see some cool scenes. But realy dont do it again like this. Yes i know, videos are there for entertainment. But you could try to make it more simple instead of putting in 1000's of effects.
What's up with people not seeing the replays.
Video looks good, unique style, amazing sync and for god sake stop saying that you can't make overedits just because it's toribash.
ALL games can have overedits and tbh I enjoyed this style of overediting alot more than the 200 lensflares and overlays one.
Liking it so far, Erf must be happy.
I liked it, sorta, I am more of a fan of the calm and not energetic videos, but still can't criticize it much. Want to see it finished though
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
thanks for the cnc guys

i'm going to be staying over at my ladyfriend's house today so i can't work on it till tomorrow.

for those complaining that they can't see the replays, put your glasses back on
shmevin eats smegma
This is honestly one of the more entertaining wips, or video period, that I've seen for a long time. I actually love the effect spam and the off colour everything. I'm looking forward to seeing the complete video 9.5/10
* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
i wasn't aware you had quoted me in your signature tim

and thanks, i'm not sure why this video is getting bad comments after my last one which was essentially just as effects-spammed
shmevin eats smegma
I didn't comment? Well I think it was Grade A++ awesomeness, the best part for me was the intro, but I'm a sucker for over edits so what do I know?
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~