Originally Posted by Auction Rules

A) Auctions must have an end date or time with GMT (I.E. 25/Dec or 24 hours after last valid bid), minimum bid raise and starting bid.

B) No minion bidding, if you bid (or solicit bids) on your own auctions you are breaking the rules.

C) If you withdraw a winning bid after the auction ends you must pay the auctioneer 20% of that bid.

D) Auctions can not be withdrawn once someone has made a valid bid, only before.

E) End dates & minimum bids may not to be altered once a valid bid has been placed.

F) The minimum raise for all auctions must be at least 10tc.

He is right, you either have to take it or pay him back 20%
Last edited by DemonPenguinz; Feb 16, 2013 at 03:46 AM.
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
I Am sorry i ddint relise it ended Demon give Lucid half

Half of what? I never bid and i'm not the one selling it.
Originally Posted by Market Rules
A) No flaming, trolling, spam, warez, porn, useless-posts, double-posts or self-advertising, and make sure to use the right forum......
III) One thread per person. You are allowed to have one active thread in a forum at a time, do not make multiple active auctions, shops or requests.

You're not allowed to have multiple threads at the same time. I'm closing two of your threads. Feel free to put all the heads for sale in the same thread.

Also, read market rules to avoid doing things like that in the future.
taking art requests for USD