Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Opener was slow and a bit mediocre but the manip was really enjoyable.
There were parts you were a bit twitchy but still it was nice.
The boom was allright but that's just not enough :/
You should grab the torso after or before the boom and destroy the lower body.
Overall, nice replay ; )
it was an alright replay i liked your previous one alot more, when you manip you should try and get as much spin on uke as possible with each hit and not just tap him around like you did in this one. you should also try and spin him in diffrent ways and not just go for the vertical one.
the kick was okay but what ruined it for me was how forced and unnatural it felt.

more replays like your first one cause that one was really good : )
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keIOUNr_PAM
Well, opener wasn't my type and I didn't like it too much.
It seems like you are really good at controlling your body, really love how you walking in the air, it was cool, no joke.
The manip was just great in my opinion, even your movement got slow somewhere.
The boom was pretty good though.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Pretty good manip. Gewd flow, transitions, boom. You should finish it and that would awesome. 7/10 for now :3
nice replay i like the fluidity of your replays!! 8 out of 10 for now =)

ps: it will be cool if you do some xspar.tbm replays !!
Last edited by tritrio; Mar 6, 2013 at 12:54 AM.
Thanks for this great CnC!
Really makes me pumped to create more for you guys. ^^
I'll be away for 1-2 days but I've got a new replay ready to get uploaded once I get back home.
Here's the new replay!
If you have any creative ideas on how I can continue it feel free to share them, and if not I still love me some useful CnC.
Attached Files
Z - Hammer.rpl (182.8 KB, 97 views)
Nice replay, the manip had a few flow issues but it was nice overall.
I don't know how you got the speed for that groin hit, good stuff.
The scissor/hammer-y thingy was also neat but it could've been bigger.
Great job, and to finish the replay, you can skeet the head.
Simple manip, good enough.
I don't like grabbing right after a manip. It just shows you couldn't get to him very well.
The first hit was pretty solid, nothing to complain here. The second one was pretty cool, I liked it.
That neck bothers me. Kill it.
oh yeah
Righteo, fixed a proper ending. The replay suddenly became much more enjoyable imo.

Did it please you enough pusga?
Attached Files
Z - Hammerskeet.rpl (340.6 KB, 83 views)