Belt: Brown
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: 5:00
Your most fluent language: English
In-game activity (1-10): 3 (Has been increasing lately)
Forum activity (1-10):1
Any skills you want to point out to us: Not easily upset, Honest
Your best mods:Aikido, AikidoBD,
Name: SparChar
Belt: Blue Belt
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: -6 active around 4: 30 PM
Your most fluent language: English, and not so fluent on Tagalog anymore
In-game activity (1-10): 7
Forum activity (1-10): 8
Any skills you want to point out to us: (art, banners, texturing ability, marketing ability,video editing, incredible sense of humor, etc.) A weird sense of humor
Your best mods: Twinswords, TK, Aikido, ABD, Wushu, Judo, Pendulum Jumper

Just realized this place is dying so...
Last edited by SparChar; May 15, 2013 at 12:38 PM. Reason: Accidental Smiley
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Belt: Blue
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: GMT +8 online 5pm
Your most fluent language: english
In-game activity (1-10): 5
Forum activity (1-10): 5
Any skills you want to point out to us: I can trashtalk good and have a big amount of nosebleed when i see a hot chick .. lol
Your best mods: judo taekkyon and wushu

Its OK if you dont accept me though just because i am Blue belt and all that
Last edited by HYPN0SIS; Mar 30, 2013 at 04:35 AM. Reason: forgot something
hey bro
I thought joining drugged would be better because of thier high ranking but after i joined i realised i was an idiot to sacrifice the great comunity and friends i had in otaku would u take me back
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: GMT - +10 : 30
Your most fluent language: English
In-game activity (1-10): 7
Forum activity (1-10):6
Any skills you want to point out to us: (art, banners, texturing ability, marketing ability,video editing, incredible sense of humor, etc. Incedible Sense of Humor, Video Editing
Your best mods: Aikido Big Dojo, Aikido , Aikido , Mushu.

私は私のアプリケーションをそのまま使用することは、私は、CLANアニメ愛好家にに参加することを得るこ とを望む!
Originally Posted by 9patrick6 View Post
Single allies please

Im not in Okatu, but Requesting Single allies in the DSC is not allowed
Last edited by Rakyos; Apr 11, 2013 at 11:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: evitable12
Belt: Black
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: -8 im usually playing later in the day or when its dark
Your most fluent language: English
In-game activity (1-10): 9
Forum activity (1-10): 0 (im not a very social person)
Any skills you want to point out to us: (art, banners, texturing ability, marketing ability,video editing, incredible sense of humor, etc. no noteable skills what so ever
Your best mods: Wushu, Mushu, Judofrac
Name: Laryat
Belt: Blue
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: GMT: -4 (i think :S) and 2-5 pm Atlantic Time.
Your most fluent language: English
In-game activity (1-10): 9
Forum activity (1-10):7 (quickly increasing)
Any skills you want to point out to us: (art, banners, texturing ability, marketing ability,video editing, incredible sense of humor, etc. Comebacks in fights (being able to reverse a move at the last second)
Your best mods: judo, footmod
Watashi wa kono ichizoku de suru no ga daisukida!
Last edited by Laryat; Apr 29, 2013 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Increase in activity, Belt upgrade
Name: virhe
Belt: Black
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: + 3:00, 4-8
Your most fluent language: English, also can talk Finnish
In-game activity (1-10): 8
Forum activity (1-10):5
Any skills you want to point out to us: (art, banners, texturing ability, marketing ability,video editing, incredible sense of humor, etc.
Your best mods: Judo
Name:kld222 and if u see other player with kld in their name thats probably me
Belt:black belt
Your GMT, and time of day you are most active in-game: +8 GMT im usally playing on weekends around 12-9 pm
Your most fluent language:english tagalog and some japanese
In-game activity (1-10): 7
Forum activity (1-10):2 i dont really go to the forums that much
Any skills you want to point out to us: i dont think i have any particular skills
Your best mods:Aikido and wushu
Last edited by kld222; May 27, 2013 at 12:59 PM. Reason: forgot to write something