Original Post
Bring back Bleu.
Seriously, since the demise of Bleu there have been too many nooby clans coming up. It isn't that much of an issue, but it is becoming one. Instead of actually joining clans, the new players all make their own. Like I said, it isn't much of an issue now, but it has been slowly getting worse since Bleu died.
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
The clan died because it was inactive. It was mainly for new people in toribash. There are not only 'nooby' clans that are being creative, but there are some quite thoughtful clans. Clans that have taken the time to create events to interact with the community. Clans that have just been great in-game. Card is an example for one. Some opinions would say Ultimate is one. There are a lot of them. You just need to look at the beauty of things sometimes instead of critiquing it sometimes. If the clan is bad, it will die. If it is good, it will strive. Bringing back one clan won't do anything.

~Not Supported, let clans die, let clans strive, let clans fall or stay alive.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Beginners sanctuary and Unibash are what bleu matured into.

And heres a challenge.
If you can actually give me a good reason to bring bleu back. I'm talking a good logical reason to bring it back, I'll do it.
Last edited by Boonana; Mar 7, 2013 at 06:28 AM. Reason: Punctuation.
Beginners and newcomers do not have any different rules than experienced users. They have as much right to make their own clans as you do. They may be making shit clans, but that's a part of learning curve.
If people want a clan catered towards training noobs than go make one.
It's not something the staff & devs do, and thus technically shouldn't be suggested in this board.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Firstly I apologize for reviving this dead thread. Now onto business.

As far as I know, I am almost solely responsible for the death of Bleu. I was the "leader" at the time and I stopped playing. I was the only one capable of inviting people to the ToriClan, so when I quit no one was able to join. I sincerely apologize. I feel horrible about it looking back. I got distracted by some school/family stuff and forgot about it. So, if any of the old members see this, sorry, and it was nice playing with you while it lasted.

EDIT: Just looked at the clan's forum thing and it looks like some people took over for a bit afterwards, so that is good. I still feel it could have kept going longer if I hadn't abandoned it.
Last edited by SupaLolCat; Nov 4, 2013 at 07:13 AM.
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
Seriously, since the demise of Bleu there have been too many nooby clans coming up. It isn't that much of an issue, but it is becoming one. Instead of actually joining clans, the new players all make their own. Like I said, it isn't much of an issue now, but it has been slowly getting worse since Bleu died.

Do you wish to spend time upholding bleu?

That is the main issue here; if someone wants to keep it going, that someone could do so. I see no problem with creating a clan, taking the same position as bleu had. The problem comes with someone bothering to do so and spend hours and hours maintaining the organisation.

- Force people to maintain it? No.
- If someone wants to run it? Sure.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Originally Posted by SupaLolCat View Post
Firstly I apologize for reviving this dead thread. Now onto business.

As far as I know, I am almost solely responsible for the death of Bleu. I was the "leader" at the time and I stopped playing. I was the only one capable of inviting people to the ToriClan, so when I quit no one was able to join. I sincerely apologize. I feel horrible about it looking back. I got distracted by some school/family stuff and forgot about it. So, if any of the old members see this, sorry, and it was nice playing with you while it lasted.

EDIT: Just looked at the clan's forum thing and it looks like some people took over for a bit afterwards, so that is good. I still feel it could have kept going longer if I hadn't abandoned it.

It's so time consuming though, honestly. You can revive the clan, I think there' info about it...

And Banned: Bleu is a clan :v
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
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Originally Posted by Rhaemondzzzkie View Post
It's so time consuming though, honestly. You can revive the clan, I think there' info about it...

Yeah, that was part of the issue to be honest. It wasn't even really fun anymore. It was more like managing a business or something than playing a game. I wasn't even directly responsible for most of the teaching. I just coordinated some stuff and managed invitations and the forum board thing.